Tim Sparrow
Feb 1, 2006 6:25 PM
Okay guys, I'm keen to get this off the ground. Firstly, for those of you that don't know about podcasts, they're basically little radio shows (minus music) which you can download to your preferred audio software (Winamp, iTunes, whatever) or portable device (iRiver, iPod, Zen etc). They work with anything that can play audio, not just iTunes and iPod.

If you subscribe to a podcast using appropriate software (iTunes or other RSS readers), it'll automatically download the audio whenever a new broadcast is available. Pretty neat.

So, for the O Review podcast, we plan to offer a simple MP3 download, an RSS feed which you can subscribe to, and possibly a popup browser window which will stream the podcast. That'll make sure everyone can get it.

Right, now down to the content. Obviously there isn't a lot of point in doing it if we don't have something cool and unique to use, so I'm looking for all you guys suggestions. Some starters for you:

Perhaps if it were a monthly thing, we could have news from the month, interviews and soundbytes from users (and Oakley peeps if it got big) - these could be done via Skype if necessary, or people could email me MP3s of their comments/speech. Also perhaps detailed reviews (much more than now) of new releases from members and other features, which I am sure we could come up with.

I know there is a risk of duplicating stuff already on the site, but I think if we go with the aim of providing a few things in much greater detail then that'd be okay.

It's worth pointing out that while there would be no tracks used in the podcast, it wouldn't just be bland pure speech, I would of course, make the audio production interesting.

Anyways, let me know what you think. I have no idea if this will take off or be worth doing, just throwing out the idea so you guys can feedback to me.

I've put this in private for the moment so we can keep things simple. If we go for it, obviously all the members will be able to contribute.
Eric Arsenault
Feb 1, 2006 6:36 PM
Great idea Tim, I like it and would like to participate, but not sure how I would do that.

Monthly with different segments would be cool; display stuff,new models, ebay,customs etc.

Man, lots of cool things are happening here !
Tim Sparrow
Feb 1, 2006 6:39 PM
I see three ways to contribute at the moment:

1. Written stuff which me, or someone, will then read.

2. If you have a mic, simply record what you have to contribute and email it to me.

3. Connect to me via Skype or MSN voice and I'll record you from here. That'd be useful for discussion/interview segments.

If you guys have any other thoughts on this then do let me know.
Factory Pilot
Feb 2, 2006 6:15 AM
how about an FP exclusive interview
sees you
Feb 2, 2006 9:03 AM
I'd listen too that then I'd go look at my collection & feel inferior for the rest of the day.
Ford .
Feb 2, 2006 10:05 AM
Hey Sparra, great idea! I'll help out if I can (being a student of radio like yourself).

I'd love to hear an FP interview.
Tim Sparrow
Feb 2, 2006 10:54 AM
Yeah, that'd be a great start to it. Good to hear that there are people up for it. I will start getting some more ideas together.
Rick (The Doctor) Fawcett
Feb 2, 2006 11:56 AM
I'd be willing to grant an interview as well.
Tim Sparrow
Feb 2, 2006 12:59 PM
Just doing some behind-the-scenes work on the production, and need a 300x300 image to be the 'album art' of the podcast. I'd have a go but my Photoshop skills are nowhere near some of the members here. So, if anyone wants to do this, it'd be good. We'd want the O Review logo in it somewhere if possible. There's a thread about them if you're looking for inspiration.

In the meantime, I will compile a list of possible contents for podcast #1.
Ford .
Feb 2, 2006 2:08 PM
You crack me up Rick
Tim Sparrow
Feb 2, 2006 6:01 PM
Rick, you're definately gonna be interviewed now! I'm putting that in the plan for next month!

Okay, I've done the production bits I can. They sound badass, even if I do say so myself. Here's a possible list of contents for this month's podcast:

liIntro to the podcast (sparra)

liLatest O News
This should ideally be slighly more detailed than what's already on the site. Ideas for this time: women's styles, BTO new stuff etc.

Something new - Fives 3.0? Spike? Oil Drum? Needs to be nice and detailed.

liInterview with Factory Pilot
Of course!

liRetro region
A piece every month about an important O product from times past. How it came about, what's cool about it, rarity etc.

liClose, including site happenings. (sparra)

Aside from these main things, I'll do the links in between them and add any minor extra stuff in those.

So basically I need people to offer up there services for a specific item above or for the 'album art' (see a couple of posts up). Or if you think of anything else you'd rather do/include, let me know.
Dann Thombs
Feb 2, 2006 4:38 PM
Would something simple like this work.
Tim Sparrow
Feb 2, 2006 6:07 PM
Yeah Dann, that looks cool, I'll go with that. Just something that will appear in the iTunes podcast directory and any player that supports album art.

I should say that if you want to contribute but you don't have a mic, feel free to send me written stuff which can then be read.
Eric Arsenault
Feb 2, 2006 7:27 PM
Where do you want the material Tim ? by PM ?
Tim Sparrow
Feb 2, 2006 7:35 PM
Yeah written material via PM. If we get to recordings then I'll set up an email account for it.
Eric Arsenault
Feb 2, 2006 8:37 PM
Ok no problem, had an idea, for talking about the BTO program, will do it late tonight.
Tim Sparrow
Feb 2, 2006 8:43 PM
Nice one, thanks Eric!
Tim Sparrow
Feb 3, 2006 1:02 PM
Okay, I now have a lovely feature on the BTO program recorded, courtesy of Eric. We're now up to about 5 mins total runtime. Still need volunteers for the following:

liLatest O News
This should ideally be slighly more detailed than what's already on the site. Ideas for this time: women's styles

Something new - Fives 3.0? Spike? Oil Drum? Needs to be nice and detailed.

liInterview with Factory Pilot
Of course!

liRetro region
A piece every month about an important O product from times past. How it came about, what's cool about it, rarity etc.

Even if you can't record yourself, I'd appreciate written pieces for any of the above (apart from the interview obviously) and I'll then record them.
Eric Arsenault
Feb 4, 2006 4:21 AM
Have an idea for the retro piece or a Models overlooked feature, starring the Eye Jacket 2, let me know Tim so more can bow down to the greatness of that frame lol.
Tim Sparrow
Feb 6, 2006 6:01 PM
I now also have a nice Five 3.0 review from Dann and a retro region piece on grips courtesy of Lee.

If anyone wants to do more reviews, or a certain feature that you particularly like, news, for example, or pretty much anything you want - I'm sure you all have some cool ideas, then let me know and we can put them in.

Currently at about 10 mins running time.
Eric Arsenault
Feb 6, 2006 8:23 PM
A question I forgot to ask, why is this in the private section ?

I mean I am sure there would be a lot more people interested to do a piece too if they knew.
Tim Sparrow
Feb 6, 2006 8:36 PM
It's in here to start with because I didn't want it in the public domain in case it didn't get off the ground. Originally I was just testing the water. Plus I didn't really want loads of posts from all the members offering to do lots of different things before we had hatched a plan here.
Eric Arsenault
Feb 6, 2006 9:01 PM
Ok makes sense, we need at least a 5-7 minutes on why Justin likes ruby so much !
Dann Thombs
Feb 6, 2006 9:22 PM
Right, we should hype the 0.3 a little more too, so the price can be pushed even higher on ebay.
Tim Sparrow
Feb 7, 2006 9:30 PM
Anyone want to read or write the latest O news, any further reviews or any particular special features that take their fancy?

My personal feeling is that this shouldn't be released until we have at least 20-25 mins of quality stuff.

Thanks to the contributors so far: Dann, Lee, & Eric.

Please don't make me beg... (sobs in corner).

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