EJ Man
Sep 21, 2005 3:06 PM
ok, its not coming out until 2007 which sucks and im brainstorming whats gonna happen. (cos i just watched SM2).

so does anyone know anything?
is Harry gonna take over as green goblin?
ive heard rumours about new bad guys, venom and sandman?

what are your thoughts?

Philip Barket
Sep 21, 2005 5:25 PM
No one really knows anything. As much as I go looking for info, it's being kept so tight wrapped that nothing has leaked. There are rumors of course, like 2-3 villians. Possibly Sandman, Electro and Vulture. No word on what's gonna happen with Harry. One thing I keep hearing is the death of MJ. Which I would actually welcome. Change the mythos for the movie. Kill MJ, and bring in Gwen Stacey. If anything they should have killed MJ in movie 1 reversing their roles early on to bring in Gwen. Otherwise ship MJ off to Hollywood so Peter can have the n love interest.

But villian wise, the few that are being tossed around for Church are Sandman and perhaps Venom. Even with Grace, though scrawny, Venom or Electro. Event eh thought that Chuch and Grace are the same person, before and after. But then, it really is too early for Venom I think. As far as Vulture goes, I only heard him thrown into the mix recently without a "who would him."

The next issue of Wizard though is going to be all about SM3 and hopefully it will be the first place to publish a few answers for us.
John H
Sep 22, 2005 2:06 AM
i thought dr. connors was going to be the lizard in this one, and also harry as gobbie 2.0
Factory Pilot
Sep 22, 2005 8:59 AM
hob goblin & venom

got to visit some of the prop makers...there is some cool stuff
Ford .
Sep 22, 2005 9:31 AM
Wow, I heard Sam Raimi was never, ever going to do Venom. I read a quote where he said "Venom sucks!"

But I disagree. Venom would be awesome.

And for the love of all good and holy, get rid of Kirsten Dunst. Seriously.
EJ Man
Sep 22, 2005 2:13 PM
yeah i hate her too, but if they replace her the new character better be hot.
Dann Thombs
Sep 22, 2005 5:00 PM
Hey John, you're back. How was catching up on 4 months worth of posts.
Philip Barket
Sep 22, 2005 5:12 PM
So, do I believe J now? One cool theory was having Harry do the Goblin costume but not as Greenie, as Hobgoblin. That was an early movie 2 plot. I did read what Raimi said about Venom, but I think Raimi could do kick ass horror film-eque things with him. Raimi even said he'd only do 3 and now he's considering a few more at the helm.

Even with Churh and Grace the early rumors were one of them or even both could be Eddie Brock/Venom, however they play it off since there are no Secret Wars to bring the symbiote to Earth. One thing from mnovie 2 was JJJs son the astronaut, having him go into space and the symbiote returning with him from space and that needed hatered for Peter/SM being there due to MJ leaving JJJs son for Peter.

I can't wait to find out.
sees you
Sep 22, 2005 8:06 PM
Why doesn't the web shoot out of his butt like a real spider? That way all 4 limbs would be left available to nab evil doers
Dann Thombs
Sep 22, 2005 8:59 PM
And he can urinate dust...
sees you
Sep 22, 2005 9:41 PM
Another useful crime fighting trait
Philip Barket
Sep 22, 2005 10:18 PM
It would be like a spider-smokescreen.
James brown
Sep 22, 2005 10:23 PM
I dunno man, it would kinda spoil my "viewing experience" not to mention having to share the cinema with a huge crowd of girls who are only there to catch a glimpse of Tobey Maguire's winky.
sees you
Sep 22, 2005 11:29 PM
Do you think the girls would line up to see a CGI dust puffin' winky?
John H
Sep 23, 2005 1:24 AM
sounds like a good name for a rock band.

yeah, i'm back. i totally read all the old threads! yeah! totally! i mean not.

i had heard the lizard, but maybe they'll have doc connors be venom instead, in a slight breach of comic history.

doc connors and betty brant the secretary have both been somewhat built up as characters, not to mention the random russian chick.

venom would be an appropriately epic villain for the third film, i must admit
Philip Barket
Sep 23, 2005 7:43 PM
There were rumors about that random Russian chick becoming Black Cat. Doubt it though. I think she was just eye candy or to throw you off of Peter and MJ gettign together. But I'd still ike to see them take MJ out of the picture. At least move her off to LA to become and even bigger actress/model yet, like she is in the book. Then bring in Gwen. Have Harry turned new Goblin kill Gwen off a movie or so down the line and bring back MJ and it'll almost be like continuity fixed itself.
chris rocker
Sep 24, 2005 2:59 PM
Fire Iridium Spider-man lenses
Philip Barket
Sep 27, 2005 12:36 AM
I just opened an email from my friend and here's what it said:

"Stupid Kirsten Dunst gave away the villians for Spidey 3 -
topher grace is venom
thomas hayden church is sandman"

That's actually who I was pegging each as. My friend Ed whoe sent the meail thought Grace may be Electro and I was juggling the idea of them both being the same character, a before and after Eddie Brock. Otherwise I could only see Church playing Sandman.

Here's confirmation.


Ford .
Sep 27, 2005 7:25 AM
Jeez, you're kidding, Topher Grace???

Eddie Brock is meant to be a gym junkie isn't he? And Venom is HUUUUUUGE, I mean putting muscles on Tobey Maguire is one thing (and it didn't really work) but Topher Grace has to run around in the shower to get wet!!

They make some weird casting decisions...and get rid of Dunst fergawdsakes!
EJ Man
Sep 27, 2005 1:40 PM
So still no confirmation about Harry? I REALLY want him to take over from where his dad left off.
Philip Barket
Sep 27, 2005 5:00 PM
Venom may be more interesting that way. A little scrawny geek with a vendetta and a huge hulking symbiote monster at his disposal may be cool. Venom would be mostly CG and possibly a stunt man in costume.
sees you
Sep 27, 2005 7:12 PM
Yeah, Topher will show up on day one for a few face shots & some dialogue & they'll be like "OK, Toph. That's a wrap. Here's your 2 million dollars. We'll call you when we start shooting the special features segment"
Philip Barket
Nov 7, 2005 5:09 PM
Check it...

Looks like Sandman to me.
Mando Madrid
Nov 7, 2005 7:30 PM
Tobey Maguire .... Peter Parker/Spider-Man
Kirsten Dunst .... Mary Jane Watson
Thomas Haden Church .... Sandman
James Franco .... Harry Osborn
Topher Grace .... Venom
rest of cast listed alphabetically:
Dylan Baker .... Dr. Curt Connors
sees you
Nov 7, 2005 8:14 PM
Thomas Hayden Church = T.H.C. which is the chemical in marijuana that makes you high. Think Tom's got a big pothead following? Whoops, did I stray a bit off topic?

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