Twenty Fifty
Jun 1, 2005 1:36 PM
I know it's a bit early to tell, but there are people who've reported their OPDs can't keep the Gascan in stock. I was wondering if any of you have had similar experiences with the Crosshair? I hope they do well, as I want Oakley to make more aviators. I'm very interested in what outrageous ideas they'll be able to apply to this classic style.

Also, does anyone know how Jim Jannard feels about the Warden and the Crosshair? It's known that he didn't like the OOs even though it sold well. I'm curious how he feels about a style that his biggest sunglass competitor popularized and could come back saying "The aviator is so classic even Oakley has swiped it!"
adam _
Jun 1, 2005 1:18 PM
I've seen a few people wearing crosshairs around latley. I haven't seen anyone wearing wardens though. (In fact as a quick little run down, in the last 5 days I've seen people wearing; 1x Ducati Zero, 1x Ducati Valve, 1x Juliet/Ice, 2x Crosshair, 3x Minutes, 2x Twenties, 1x Frogskins, 1x Monster Doggle) ..i think that was about it ;)
Twenty Fifty
Jun 1, 2005 1:35 PM
That's been a busy week. Glad to hear the Crosshairs are getting out there early in the game.
James Hounslow
Jun 1, 2005 2:51 PM

I know its been bank holiday weekend, and that they were only ordered on friday but i want them NOW!!! :-)
evan Carrigan
Jun 1, 2005 3:17 PM
well i only work 2 shifts a week at sgh, and i've sold 4 crosshairs... saw a guy yesterday up at school, with the black/black combo...

Brian Johnson
Jun 1, 2005 5:16 PM
I've yet to see any in either Gainesville or Miami. And I see lots of sunglasses. But I figure that most people who want aviators don't consider Oakley as an option.
I Con
Jun 1, 2005 8:19 PM
Crosshair is selling okay- I've sold four-odd pairs- Gascan is selling rather slowly, although things picked up a little when we got the polished white a few days later.
EJ Man
Jun 2, 2005 3:36 AM
Adam where the fook have you been hanging around to see all those, i doubt ive even seen that many in 6 months in the UK.
Will M
Jun 2, 2005 6:02 AM
I'm selling the crap out of them. Chrome is #1. I got the new gradient lens in today and it's pretty sweet too.
adam _
Jun 2, 2005 12:25 PM
Just walking to and from work every day, and a little bit of walking around at lunchtime. Except for the ducati zeros which I saw someone wearing on their head at bluewater shopping centre.
Tim Sparrow
Jun 2, 2005 3:29 PM
My OPD do heavily stock up on everything - they have plenty of Gascans and most Crosshairs - though they have been selling pretty well. Ducati Crosshairs sold out the first day they were on sale.
Twenty Fifty
Jun 2, 2005 9:32 PM
This stuff's great news.
paul mcj
Jun 2, 2005 11:20 PM
I would think the Crosshairs should sell really well. I think they are a pretty universally sweet pair of eyewear for those that are out on the hunt for a "metal" frame.

I caught a guy trying on a pair recently and tried to steer him towards the chrome/VR28 black ... but he said they were too flashy for him. He did end up going for a pair, though.
Twenty Fifty
Jun 2, 2005 11:27 PM
Not only are they a nice pair, they're inexpensive as well.
Jamey Bishop
Jun 3, 2005 12:55 AM
Yeah, I agree. Even in Canadian dollars, they're still way cheaper than other Wires. And nicer too, in my opinion. Just about bought the Chrome/VR28 Black ones, but I had to go with Gascan. I'll get those Crosshairs one day. One day...
adam _
Jun 3, 2005 12:57 AM
Would you believe this, I saw 3 different people in the space of 2 hours all wearing Silver/Fire square wires (the ones with the loud orange unobtanium!) I could hardly believe it myself!
Jamey Bishop
Jun 3, 2005 1:00 AM
Three of my friends have the same thing, Silver/Fire Square 2.0's. I always told them, at least one of them could've gotten something different. I mean, Oakley does offer Fire in more than one style. Geez.
adam _
Jun 3, 2005 1:01 AM
I'd never seen anyone wearing that combo before today, and then BAM! three at once, what are the odds eh?
Jamey Bishop
Jun 3, 2005 1:03 AM
I know, I don't even think they're very nice. That orange Unobtanium needs to go.
Wilson Ng
Jun 3, 2005 1:37 AM
i used to wear my Square Wire 2.0 Fire Polarized with the orange earsocks... the think with the orange earsocks, they disintegrate much faster than regular black ones. mine are black now...
Wilson Ng
Jun 3, 2005 1:38 AM
oh... anyway, i tried the Gradient Crosshairs today and it totally wasn't my thing.
Jamey Bishop
Jun 3, 2005 1:39 AM
Which ones, the Black or the Brown?
Wilson Ng
Jun 3, 2005 1:41 AM
the brown... tried it at SGH. the sales help said it was an SGH exclusive.
EJ Man
Jun 3, 2005 4:55 AM
oh no Bong i am looking forward to trying on a pair.
how dark were they?
Wilson Ng
Jun 3, 2005 4:52 AM
they weren't dark at all. my eyes can be easily seen through the lenses. it almost became clear near the bottom. maybe some guys may be able to pull off the gradient look, but they just look dumb when i had it on. LOL.
the moment i looked in the mirror i had to immediately take them off cos they looked ridiculous on me.

i've also tried the bottlecaps today... they would fit me if the lenses were a bit smaller/shallower.

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