Now go home and get your shine box.
It will probably be the same as back in 92 the Marine Corp authorized certain units to wear these black timberland boots that looked very similar to the old issue jungle boots. The only diffrence between the military version and the civillian was the lack of the timberland tree emblem on the heel. At the same time the Army came out with the Matterhorn Gortex boot. Both the timberland and the matterhorn were only issued to certain units but were authorized for wear by any Marine as long as it was for use in the field meaning MCX and NEX (Marine Corps Exchange, Navy exchange) sold them and if you had the $$ you could buy them, the timberlands i believe went for $180.00 and the matterhorns for $220.00, im sure AAFES (army airforce exchange services) sell the Oakley SI for any one in the military to buy but i am sure they only issue them to certain units i still have friends in the Marine Corps, some in FAST company, which can be considered "Special Forces" in the Marine Corps and they do not wear the SI though they have seen Seals wearing the desert versions.
jose martinez (crmnjst - 4/6/2005 8:22:03 AM)