David Pantoja
Nov 29, 2015 3:01 AM
Wow where do I start. I have loved Oakley's and the Oakley brand since 1995,when a friend of mine gave me my first Trench Coats. I have been hooked ever since. I only wish I was smart enough back then to heave saved and kept all of my Oakley's but I guess its never too late to start.
Steve Youngman
Nov 29, 2015 3:38 AM
You definitely aren't alone on that one; that is how many of us found our way here! Welcome to the site.
David Pantoja
Nov 29, 2015 3:42 AM
Thank You Skull.Jacket I'm excited to be here. Can't wait to figure this out and start posting
Steve Youngman
Nov 29, 2015 3:48 AM
Looking forward to seeing your collection.
bomb oakley
Nov 29, 2015 3:30 PM
Dann Thombs
Nov 29, 2015 3:58 PM
Welcome. Nice to have a longer time collector join the fold. Great group here, who are very knowledgeable. I didn't start until 2002, but fortunately have most of them. Then the sickness grew and it's absolute chaos. As we always say, hold on to your wallet.
John Schafhauser
Nov 29, 2015 6:08 PM
Glad to see you made it... Come on in!
Twenty Fifty
Nov 29, 2015 10:26 PM
Chris Hoiberg
Nov 30, 2015 4:05 AM
Welcome pantojad!
David Pantoja
Nov 30, 2015 4:29 PM
OK so Since I'm new, I'm going to need some guidance. How do I create my page or my collection stuff. I added three Items but I used the generic upload that was on the site. Also Do you guys sell from your collection and if so? How do I go about seeing this and how do I purchase? I'm loosing my mind with excitement. LOL.
Dann Thombs
Nov 30, 2015 4:42 PM
The generic collection addition is usually best. It adds the stock image to the collection page, and that's usually enough. I'm OCD, so I take photos and upload them to the form when you add an item, but that's overkill at times. Also adding directly from the database helps create some stats for who has what.

Sales aren't from your collection, it's more of a personal thing. Stats and such will show up on your profile page, but if you want to buy and sell, there's a section towards the bottom of the forum. Trades and Buying requests are free, while Selling is $1 per post. I really don't care about the money, but it helps limit spammers who just show up with the intent to turn the place into a market. I feel that small annoyance pays back in a better environment here.

I really want to redo the whole way the collection is added, and maintained, but I find myself without the time to make any real meaningful changes lately. My to-do list is just massive at this point.

If you have any questions you can direct them to me too. This whole site was written by me in notepad, so it's going to differ from a lot of the canned interfaces that are common on the net these days. Things have evolved a lot in the last 11 years, and I've done my best to keep up but there's a lot of the garage-effort vibe still about it.
David Pantoja
Nov 30, 2015 4:55 PM
Dann You rock bro. Thanks for the explanation. I'm just eager to get started. I feel like I've lost so much time not knowing about this site. I have always kicked myself in the behind because I thought I was the only one out there that wanted to create display cases for all of my Oakley products and now that I see this site I feel like I've fallen way behind. But better late than never right? Thanks again.
Ruben Suarez
Nov 30, 2015 5:03 PM
Welcome, pantojad.

Yes, better late than never ;)
David Pantoja
Dec 1, 2015 4:42 AM
I'm a little on the excited side. I think you guys have created a monster. I just picked up a display case for my glasses and cant wait to pick it up, put it up and start displaying my collection as well as adding to it.

Another question and advice for guidance. What is the protocol on purchasing Collection items. Where should we not buy and where should we definitely buy from other than Oakley and Oakley vaults of course.I ask because I just purchased an Oakley crush for my wife on eBay. is that OK or did I commit an O-Review cardinal sin.
Dann Thombs
Dec 1, 2015 2:27 PM
Hah, no sin. Ebay is sometimes one of those necessary evils. Moreso for the discontinued items. I tend to only use it as a last resort for those hard to find items, but lately prices have jumped up so much, I can't compete anymore. For new stuff, I wouldn't use it out of principle. Between friends and family discount, the odd sales throughout the year, and vault sales, you typically don't have to pay the full retail on a lot of things, and then at least the company get the patronage. But if the item isn't found anywhere else, what can you do.

Also if you do buy from a store, make sure to give them your e-mail so you have a better chance of getting the promo codes that show up from time to time. I know it's been a frustrating hit-or-miss scenario for some, but it doesn't hurt.
Dave Arnott
Dec 1, 2015 4:47 PM
I just purchased an Oakley crush for my wife on eBay. is that OK or did I commit an O-Review cardinal sin. - pantojad

Welcome to the madness!
The only "sin" here is for NOT posting pictures of your Oakley paraphernalia.
We are all O junkies here, and live vicariously through YOU!

David Pantoja
Dec 1, 2015 4:55 PM
Thanks Dann and Flyer, I feel the love. So listen I came up on some Over the Top FMJ 5.56 Ice Iridium with minor scratches on the lenses and frame for $100. What do you guys think? Should I? Let em know.
Dave Arnott
Dec 1, 2015 6:39 PM
If they're legit, I'd sell a kidney...
David Pantoja
Dec 1, 2015 7:09 PM
If they're legit, I'd sell a kidney... - flyer

So I shouldn't worry too much about the minor scratches?
Dann Thombs
Dec 1, 2015 7:32 PM
At this point $100 for any OTT is going to be worth it. If the scratches are smaller, then that's not too bad. At least you can wear it without being too paranoid. I miss bringing mine out from time to time, but I can't justify the mint replacement now.
Dave Arnott
Dec 1, 2015 11:08 PM
At this point $100 for any OTT is going to be worth it. If the scratches are smaller, then that's not too bad. At least you can wear it without being too paranoid. I miss bringing mine out from time to time, but I can't justify the mint replacement now. - Dann

The eternal conflict between Collector and Joker.
The Jokers are in the enviable position of wearing anything up to and including OTT for Hallowe'en, or just to the office. Replacement lenses are readily available, or custom cut.
The Collectors keep their "pieces" in impenetrable vaults, in their original sleeves and packaging, away from brow sweat and the earth's dusts, but pics exist on their cell phones, and insurance manifest.
Those of you Jokers wearing Juliet 24K to Tough Mudder competitions have my shock and awe.
David Pantoja
Dec 3, 2015 5:07 AM
At this point $100 for any OTT is going to be worth it. If the scratches are smaller, then that's not too bad. At least you can wear it without being too paranoid. I miss bringing mine out from time to time, but I can't justify the mint replacement now. - Dann

The eternal conflict between Collector and Joker.
The Jokers are in the enviable position of wearing anything up to and including OTT for Hallowe'en, or just to the office. Replacement lenses are readily available, or custom cut.
The Collectors keep their "pieces" in impenetrable vaults, in their original sleeves and packaging, away from brow sweat and the earth's dusts, but pics exist on their cell phones, and insurance manifest.
Those of you Jokers wearing Juliet 24K to Tough Mudder competitions have my shock and awe.
- flyer

Flyer where can i get replacement lenses for the OTT? The gentleman that has the OTT's is in Texas and I'm in CA. It's a done deal but I am trying to work out the logistics of payment upon receipt.
Dave Arnott
Dec 3, 2015 12:47 PM
PM sent.

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