Chris Hoiberg
Mar 3, 2015 4:15 AM
Thought it might be useful to start another thread, instead of hijacking an existing, for posting pics of our Madman & Badman displays as well as some suggestions, tips, and tricks for displaying the new Madman & Badman... since they don't seem to fit on the stands like most frames.
Chris Hoiberg
Mar 3, 2015 4:20 AM
So after securing my Madman & Badman, the next item on the agenda was now how to display/store them.

I brought the X RAW home and this was the simplest way I found to display them, but it took up too much room in the case, and eventually I'd have my Badman, and need more room:

Initially I wanted them to fit on the old Stretchline Metal stands, but I just wasn't comfortable with how they were fitting; I didn't want to shove the arms into the stand to risk bending or scratching them:

To me, this is the proper fit for those stands:

So I moved over to the Black 2.0 Stand...

I was barely able to make the stay at the front edge of the stand for the picture before they would slide back and look like they had awful posture:

Next I started thinking and came up with an idea to use extremely thin Velcro to wrap around the nose bridge piece of the stand (this is Panduit Micro "Tak-Tape" Velcro for wiring up network racks, it's super thin):

This gave me a built in "rut" on the nose bridge piece of the stand that the bridge of the Madman & Badman would sit into, and prevent it from sliding back on the stand; also, it won't scratch the frame:

I think they fit in nicely, and they sit way I want them too:

In the case:

Hope this helps or provides some more ideas...

Twenty Fifty
Mar 3, 2015 4:56 AM
Fantastic tips. The Madman is a nightmare to display on stands, so this helps greatly.
Michael Elfstrom
Mar 3, 2015 5:18 AM
Thanks for sharing, Chris!
Kenny "HED" Wu
Mar 3, 2015 5:53 AM
This is an awesome thread! Can't wait to get these frames
Chris Hoiberg
Mar 3, 2015 1:02 PM
This is an awesome thread! Can't wait to get these frames - HED4JC

Thanks for sharing, Chris! - pastor.elfstrom

Fantastic tips. The Madman is a nightmare to display on stands, so this helps greatly. - Oak

You're more than welcome!
John Schafhauser
Mar 3, 2015 6:51 PM
Stupid question... Where would one purchase the Ferrari Badman/Madman? I couldn't find it on Oakleys website.
Chris Hoiberg
Mar 3, 2015 6:57 PM
Stupid question... Where would one purchase the Ferrari Badman/Madman? I couldn't find it on Oakleys website. - JP

I purchased mine at my local O Store... pretty sure the Vaults received them too. I know my Home Bunker received 2 of each...
John Schafhauser
Mar 3, 2015 7:04 PM
I'm not too impressed with the vault store near me. They have a few things here and there and depending on the day, you get to deal with an asshole if you ask any questions about the products.
Dann Thombs
Mar 3, 2015 7:06 PM
I was told Vault's won't get them off the bat. That said, I don't get to my local one more than once a year, so I can't say firsthand.
Chris Hoiberg
Mar 3, 2015 7:10 PM
I'm not too impressed with the vault store near me. They have a few things here and there and depending on the day, you get to deal with an asshole if you ask any questions about the products. - JP

That stinks, I don't run across that situation that often when I visit Vaults, but it has happened to me... definitely leaves a bad taste in your mouth.

As far as the selections at Vaults, certain Vaults are higher volume, which translates into them having a greater ability to moved discontinued product, so in turn, they get better selections in, but the product also often sells out quickly. I personally enjoy stopping at Vaults because you never know what you'll find, and I also know which Vaults are higher volumes from my past travel/visit experience and make a point to return when I'm in the area...
Mar 4, 2015 2:38 AM
Thought it might be useful to start another thread, instead of hijacking an existing, for posting pics of our Madman & Badman displays as well as some suggestions, tips, and tricks for displaying the new Madman & Badman... since they don't seem to fit on the stands like most frames.
- H01B3RG


I love the idea and can already see that applying to various other wire frames (Plaintiff comes to mind) where I've run into the same issue.

However, it doesn't change stance of the glasses, sitting lower, something I still can't decide if I like or not.

I've been using the metal stretch line stands, which as you pointed out do not fit the pair with the folded ear stems very well. I have them propped with the ear stems extended. This is how the Racing/Water Jacket, Pro M-Frame and other non-folding pairs were displayed when I worked at an O-store. I guess I got used to utilizing them that way.

Of course, this only brings out the engineer in me, wanting to design my own stand for the new X-metal line.
Chris Hoiberg
Mar 4, 2015 7:41 AM
Thought it might be useful to start another thread, instead of hijacking an existing, for posting pics of our Madman & Badman displays as well as some suggestions, tips, and tricks for displaying the new Madman & Badman... since they don't seem to fit on the stands like most frames.
- H01B3RG


I love the idea and can already see that applying to various other wire frames (Plaintiff comes to mind) where I've run into the same issue.

This is funny because the stand I have my Madman & Badman on, is the stand I had my Plaintiff & Plaintiff Squared on. I've since moved them back to a Metal Stretchline 2-Tier stand... these 2 seem to bounce back and forth on stands, but thankfully they fit both. (I didn't mind they way the Plaintiffs sat on the Black 2.0 stand)
Mar 4, 2015 8:35 PM
I'm not too impressed with the vault store near me. They have a few things here and there and depending on the day, you get to deal with an asshole if you ask any questions about the products. - JP

Could you PM me what Vault you are referring too?

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