"Flag" cam?! Why call it "flag?" - yelkao
I'm guessing that's the industry standard name for that type of hinge and LUX changed the terminology so it was easier for Reps to explain to accounts (and for reps of multiple LUX brands to remember) - Defenderoftheo
But why even use the term "flag?" What's "flag"about the hinge design? - yelkao
A flag hinge often looks like a flag swivelling on a pole, with the leaves roughly in line with the pin. Often the leaves are 'stacked' on top of each other on the pin instead of closing on each other like a book. This means they can rotate a full 360 degrees in relation to each other (like a flag can point in any direction around a pole). Whether Oakley flag cam/hinges work like this or not, that's probably where the name comes from.