Unfortunately Harry yes the OakleyForum can be like that at times.... always a minority, don't get me wrong, but open membership to forums always attracts all sorts, it's too easy to just sign up with a new username if you get canned, not that the mods there ever can anyone to my knowledge... think i'd have suspended both the fools banging it out in that thread....
Would love either of the new 24ks looking at them, shame they are going to be limited run, chances of me landing a pair are going to be virtually zero :( just imagine 24k Julies with a 24k lens swap..... it's making me moist just thinking about it lol
Honestly I would much prefer those 24k/titanium TiO2 style Juliets Ichiro was wearing, these http://neighborhoodhalfwits.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/ichiro_suzuki-smile.jpg
just like you should never go full retard, you should never go full gold, with the exception of the LE Timebomb
maybe if I pay O-Xide enough, he will make me some
Well the LE Timebomb was at least 18K gold. I wouldn't mind the all gold look if it was all gold (least to the grade jewelers use). But if we go that far, why not use white gold for the orbitals.
The 24k Julet / XS release may very well be what rips apart Oakley factions for years to come. Will it be the Blings vs the Blechs? Only time will tell...
Or maybe I'll just look so fantastic in my XS pair, and you'll all be able to see me from space with them on, it will bring everyone back together in harmony beyond reason.
Just got in my X Squared pair today. The pics above are probably far better than I could have taken. I can understand the colorway isn't for everyone, but I actually quite enjoy the Ti polarized lenses in them.