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Funky-Trixtar -
Had it since I bought it for my 17" notebook(back in 2006)Loved it up to the point where I overloaded it. That was when the zip just gave up the ghost and more than a few teeth!
Link_us -
Just bought this bag at an outlet for $50 bucks... i win
tk728 -
I travel all over the world and this bag goes every where. I carry my Dell laptops, disk drives, cables and books with me. I have two problems with it: 1) it won't fit under the seat without scrunching it or in the overhead on commuter flights and 2) it is not repairable. The first one I got for Christmas and two months after that one of the shoulder straps started coming apart. Oakley said it was not repairable and it was beyond the 30 day warranty period. They eventually just sent me a new one which has had no problems, but I worry about something like a broken zipper and it can't be replaced.

I continue to get compliments on it, even though it is over three years old. Looks good even with a suit.
I use this bag everyday as my 'work' bag. I travel on the London underground, and this bag not only offers me protection from overcrowded tubes, it also allows me to 'move' pushy people with the greatest of ease. It is so original and all I get is positive comments.
It's not going to hold the world, but I have a Kitchen Sink pack for that. Nope, for what it does and what it looks like, I love this bag.
Dartflare -
This backpack is great!
I use it for carring laptop and iPOD too...
Its resistant, stylish, oakley for sure... and the best... people will never think that there is an macbook inside =)
jumpman73 -
I'm not a big fan of this bag at all. The hard shell concept it pretty cool because it offers a higher since of security of your stuff not getting smashed. Its great for computers, portable DVD players, and other electronics. I'm just not a big fan of the shape. I have a friend who uses this when he rides his motorcycle. I don't know if it would survive a crash but it gives him a bit more confidence.
o-xide -
I didn't think this bag is all that nice because of the plainess but after seeing the one in HQ store that was painted with eyeballs. I therefore got one and am now looking for a airbrush artist to do this job. Basically, this bag is so Oakley. It has that congrugated look like the Thump
oogie -
A unique bag design, with the hard shell and all. Personally, I think the look is pretty killer, but I'm not sold on the functionality. I like a pack that is essentially as small as the contents it's holding.
fflores222 -
Color: Black if you know the bag, there's only one color...!

I've had this bag for a little over 3 months. I've gone through three Oakley bags, the computer bag (used for 6 months and the Icon 2.0 Used for two months see other reviews)

I carry an awful lot of items. In toting the same equipment in the two bags i prefer the Icon 2.0 shoulder straps to the hard shell because the Icon straps are more form fit to stay on the shoulder better.

I have a 14" Dell that I use for work, along with two additional laptop drives and cables to attach. In the outside pouch, I store my canon s400, extra battery, charger, cell phone. Inside the bag I have two twenty CD holders, battery charger, and full size mouse. Best thing is I still have room to spare. I've traveled w/this bag in December, along w/all the previously mentioned items I had two magazines, and a travel pillow stuffed into it. I've used almost all 1800CI of the bag.

Bottom line I love the bag. It’s my favorite one so far. I would highly recommend this bag to anyone that needs to carry extra equipment w/ their laptop. It's at the top of my list of need to have bags.
trego33 -
A below average product for the cost - 150 dollars and the outer layer - the so called hardshell does not even have a scratch proof coating of any kind - the moment you scrape the bag against anything - there is a nice long scratch to remind you of that special moment for the rest of your life. Someone might say - You;re not supposed to scrape the bag against anything and that is true - but IT's A BAG - whether you want to or not - it is going to get scraped against something sooner or later - especially in New York. Although on a positive note - the bag manages to hold quite a bit and it looks alright.
O-bandit -
color: black

what else :o))

i like those hardshell backpack combination a lot! it´s huge and you can store the hole stuff which you need for the school, colleg or university even a laptop fits in and it´s safe to.
the hardshell can hold enough cloth for a week and the small poket on the outside is ideal for the wallet and keys....
great development!
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