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Ian -
Frame: Olive
Lens: Grey

I bought this pack because my wife insisted that it was pretty. It's cool to have it, but nothing is in my size (I'd never wear any of it for fear of damage). These were my first pair of Monster Dogs. Cool enough, but really not my style.
TheVault -
Color: White / Green & Olive Khaki / Orange

Overall they are vey nice; 3 of the MD in those packs are exclusive frame colors; only the olive as seen a general release.

(The white one, is matte white, while the pearl one in the general release is a white frame with sparkles in it.)

I love the shoes, they are the Sequel models, very confortable and gets a lot of attention, they come with the choice of 2 sets of laces, very cool.

I give these packs a 4 because of the original pricing, it was way too much, they did not sell well, fortunately they all ended up on Ebay for cheap.

The other reason is because at that price, they could have gone with iridium and other lens to match the fluoro MDs instead of putting grey in them, it doesnt help the crystal frames that are so dark they look like black most of the time.

The shoulder strap it comes too is uselless its at a too straight angle that its akward to put it on your shoulder, I use the handle.

*On a side note, Phil discovered that some MDs from some of the fluoro came with dark grey instead of grey, they must have switch if they didnt have any grey lens left.

RubyMars -
I love this bag. Great as an overnight bag, because it's just the right size for a change of clothes and shoes. I also use it to go between jobs when I have to change clothes. Comfortable to carry, and not a boring duffle bag.
crazy_azz_mat -
awesome pack. got mine from ebay for 90$ CAN. Got the white pack. The only thing is I dunno if its just me but I ordered a size 11 shoe and these feel alot smaller. Has anyone else had that problem? is it just cause they r new?
oogie -
A great pack! Especially if you can get it for a good deal on ebay. The monster dogs are fantastic, especially since you are getting some limited edition colorways. Great shoes, some crazy head/finger bands ... and the case itself is handy. A sweet package buy!
BrianJ1888 -
These cases are a pretty good deal for what you get. IMO the limited edition Monster Dogs are worth a good deal of the price. Consider that there are only 1500 of each color. The super-rare Jordan Romeo's had a run of 5000. The pack and the bands are going to be displayed, and I'll wear the t-shirt and the shoes. FWIW, the shirt seemed to be of a lesser quality than my other Oakley shirts.
cferr -
these things are awesome. i wish oakley made more limited stuff like these. they need to make some more limited monster dogs w/ piping or some freaky colors or any other unusual things on them. i would never pay the $250 for these but for the price i got them for they are awesome because of the limited numbers. plan to get the last set. the best colors of them, at least so far.
cferr -
the only thing i like this for is the awesome display of monster dogs. i have 2 fluoro packs and i only use/display the monster dogs the rest is put in the drawer of the display case.
Oak -
Color: Navy / Pink / Blue

The best thing going for it is that it's limited and the Monster Dogs are nice (fits extremely well for such big frames and the crystal navy frame is a great touch). Personally, the shoes aren't all that attractive and the bag isn't very much good for anything else other than for the Fluoro Pack items. The shirt's not bad, though. I'm not sure if it's worth the MSRP, but I got it as a present for Christmas, so I'm not complaining.:)

I got a chance to see other other Fluoro Packs as well at Intersport in the West Edmonton Mall. The Navy Pink is definitely the best looking, IMO, but the Green/Orange Monster Dog looks great as well.
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