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DoctorCrip -
Just as with the laceless design, these shoes are my all-time favorite. Although the laceless design is a bit more convenient, the standard S.I.L.K. is just as light and comfortable as well as great-looking. Laceless or not, both versions have their own unique look and you can't go wrong with almost any color they come in. Try to find a pair because you will love them - believe me.
Adrock -
Best shoes I've ever owned, and I'm trying to track down another pair right now! They are good for just about everything.
Star-Scream -
Color: Black/White

I got these a month ago. Very comfortable and light weight. If you didn't know, there is a hidden pocket camoflaged on the right shoe on the left side.
Tick -
So comfortable & a really unmistakably Oakley shoe. Built rock solid. Great color combos too plus, how cool is it to get a guitar pick inside your shoe!!
twjg78 -
Extremely comfortable, looks good with any casual gear, whether jeans or utiliy
kingphilbert -
I'm very much loving my SILK. A far from simple, low proflie piece of footwear that looks great with shorts or jeans. Comfortable enough for all day wear and long periods on your feet. Highly recommneded ig you're looking for a nice shoe that's not overly industrial or too sneaker like.
oogie -
Laced or laceless, the Silk is a sweet new addition to the o shoe line. With the "blend into the croud" sneaker design of the past couple of years, the silk is a great standout. I like the strap/stiching design on the new lineup.
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