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Ive had these for a million years and there sick.. they are worn out now, color fading from use but still comfy. only complaint is that i cant buy them anymore (NIGHT CAMO)
CMANavy -
Excellent Shoe, very comfortable. On slippery surfaces they were a bit touchy.
oogie -
I was never really attracted to a $200 Oakley shoe - until they were finally reduced to the $35 range! After picking up a pair, I have to admit that these shoes are most definitely one of the most comfortable Oakley shoes I have worn (I'm up to about 20-25 now). Great comfort, cool looks, love that SI logo. Definitely go a size bigger, as with most Oakley footwear. My only complaint is that those darn laces are so long - I feel silly.
TSIcon8 -
Color: Black
Really just cool shoes. They are functional for anything and as comfortable as you can get shoes. Another amazing Oakley shoe that demands attention.
I like these a lot better than the SI boots already. I feel very fast on my feet with these on. I've never been so satisfied running in a pair of shoes before. The sole will wear slightly quicker than regular oaks (non-vulcanized) but it's nothing to be too concerned about (I've had the boots for two years and I don't see an end in sight). Be careful during the waterproofing process otherwise you'll end up with gunk in the treads (the wp manufacturer said drench 'em so I did). It already seems to be taking care of itself though. I thought I would be more put off with the red triangle at the heel (I found the SI Boots without them) but I had no complaints when I saw them in person. Everyone seems confused about the sizing of the SI line. I always buy my o's in size twelve and these were no exception. They are supposed to be a tight fitting boot/shoe (of course not at the toes) ie: tactical footwear. Mine were tight in width at first but broke in after a day's use. I don't think I've ever owned a better pair of footwear.
yelkao -
Color: Black

I really can't say anything bad at all about these. They are very durable, comfortable and the design is great. The design and detail of the sole alone is completely awesome. It was one of the major reasons I bought the shoe.

Highly recommended!
Cable Guy -
I work in the Tele Comm Industry and I am in and out of the field and office...non-stop. What amazes me is that these shoes never slow down, comfort out the a_ _ from day one. Often times when I get home I don't even go right to removing my shoes, they are downright- amazing! If and when they breakdown (had them for four months so far), I'll buy another pair. Worth the Two-Franklins easily. I do wish they had another color or two, whatever.
o-xide -
Color: night camo
All I can say is that this shoe has good traction and outstanding design. I can't say I am comfy with laces but it will pass
eZaku -
Color: Black

I got a pair of Assaults in my size (size 9), but actually felt half a size too small. Comparing it to my mouldy old Asics, it's actually the same size but what I've noticed is that the Assault has a LOT of padding.

I hope I can get one sooner or later, 'cause even though I can't wear the Assaults I have now, they still look very very cool on top of the coffee table, heheh.
warwagon -
Color: Black
Perfect shoe. Had to go the size 13 as I couldn't get the 12.5, and 12 was just to small. They are not always true to size, as I have always in the past worn 12s. But I love them and wear them when ever I can.
Silent Navigator -
Color: Black
Very sturdy shoe. Great engineering. Design is made to last. Comfortable wear. Walking with it is awesome. Running with it even better.
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