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Dwcfastrice -
I own two of these, one in each color with the skull logo. T he wife and I wore them on a 19 degree, very windy day in Manhattan in January. Excellent wind coverage with the flaps down. Both of us were quite amazed at how light and thin these where and how much heat they actually held in. I was sweating at times. Can't say that with my regular beanie.
oakleyman_69 -
quite possibly the most comfortable hat ever. Likewise gets me plenty of attention from the ladies. Attention that I under other circumstances would not get.
Fezzik1071 -
This is a great hat that fits my style pretty well. Slightly out of the ordinary but not ridiculous. I get a lot of comments on it, and it is very comfortable and warm. I actually don't like the drawstring though; I just think it's way too long and I usually don't know what to do with it. It works at keeping the flaps up or down, but I just feel like a black cloth strap hanging on each side would look a little cooler.
Munkfish -
Really like this one - nice and warm - perfect for the UK winters, and usual Oakley subtlety ;) Used mine for skiing, and the neckstrap is very useful to keep it on your head!
Tick -
I really like the look of this hat but it's thinner than I expected. Not hardy enough for sub zero temps but very comfortable. I have the one with the Scull patch which looks cool.
american image -
i sold these one season , i had three , and it took almost 6 months to sell them. they fit perfect , but you really look like a russian submarine crewmember. ( hence the name )
very warm indeed
Ed -
Color: Black/Oatmeal

I liked the current version of this hat (with the skull patch) so much that I picked up one of the older versions (with the O icon patch). It's pretty much the same, just slightly different colors. Super warm and covers most of the head, even the back. The silver icon is set in a circular leather patch on the front of the hat.
Ed -
Color: Black and Charcoal

Another nice winter hat from Oakley. May look a little silly compared to beanie-styled hats, but the Moscow is light, warm, and covers all of your head without getting in your eyes. The berber fleece material is perfect for this kind of hat. The drawstring is good for keeping the earflaps down on windy days, and the cord lock on the drawstring even has an O icon on it!
apostrophe -
Color: Blue/Grey

The 2002 model I believe. Nice style hat but pretty small. If someone with a bigger head (size L or more) wears the 02 Moscow (haven't tried newer versions) it looses its shape and looks really messed up.

So the wife wears it in the winter, suits her much better. If the later styles are larger and keep their shape better then this would be something I'd buy again.
kingphilbert -

I own an Oakley Wool Skull cap that looks as if it's style was influenced very much by colder Russian environments. Low fitting, smooth black wool with a heavy grey fleecy wool band/cuff around the hat similar to the Moscow fabric. It always struck me as being very Russian/Siberian and is a great wear in the winter months. It's so nice to see that Oakley makes these few strange items that are out of the norm.
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