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Sergi-O -
Lens: Violet Iridium

Amazing colour combo with the pink nosepiece!! This lens doesn´t offer too much coverage so they are pointed to a small faced man but frame is the same as Blades & Razors so they do not fit as I would like. Anyway they will set on my display
flippj -
Lens: grey
im the opposite to most others opinion, although smaller and less coverage than the other 2 lense shapes, i love the slit lense
squarer shape and corners ensure i love the sharpness of the look.
As many others have already stated, the Slit lens was just too small to provide any degree of adequate coverage. Perhaps they were geared toward the market seeking fashion over function.

Kimberly -
Oakley had 3 different molds for the Blade years. If you look at several of the cross/main frame sections, you will see either a molded 1,2 or 3 in (3)circles. There may have been more than 3 versions, but one of them will have no patent numbers, the next two will have patent numbers, but in different spots. Now looking at the arm pieces, same thing goes. You will see no patent numbers on 1 set, the next 2 sets will have patent numbers, but in different spots. This is where the color mismatch & poor fitting come into play. The trigger arm pieces always fit poorly compared to the straight arms, because of the way Oakley molded the holes. The straight has a flat cut on it & the hole is in better alignment. The trigger arm pieces are always breaking, now you know why. I will tell you that keeping them out of the sunlight unless your wearing them, will save them from cracking. DONT PUT THEM ON YOUR DASHBOARD !
Dann -
Lens: Violet

The lense is way too small. I'm not sure what the point of these were, but it's a rare lens to find, so I snagged it. You won't see me wearing these any time soon.
banarno -
Lens: Violet Iridium

"The 3rd member of the Blades system" as the box says,and in my opinion the coolest style.
Quite a lot smaller than the regular Blade lense,and finished at the nosepiece,and had clean sharp corners instead of the smooth curved corners of the Blade,and Razor Blade.
splatter -
Lens: Violet iridium

much smaller than the other two lenses and in my opinion too small for me but others may like it
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