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rsuarez1982 -
I really like the look and feel of this lanyard, but the sewn on stripe/O piece DOES poke you at times. The clasp is kind of thick at the end where a badge would hang, but they still fit.
Farlius -
I tried one of these and while they looked cool, it wasn't comfortable for longterm use. I ended up switching to the stretch versions. If I remember right some of the stiching would irritate my neck after awhile.
TSIcon8 -
Color: Silver
Really cool to carry keys on. Had mine for about 3 years before it broke, it was a shame. Icon hook lost color and seemed to show its brass. Cool nonetheless.
Pander -
Color: Silver
Got this for free buying a pair of glasses. Don't do anything with them, but still a great accessoire!
oogie -
A good lanyard. I like this clasp (shared with the stencil lanyard) the best. I'm not a huge fan of the design on the lanyard, but it's nice.
o-xide -
I have it in red and I don't use it
DisturbedEarth -
Color: red/silver

I have 2 of these but still haven't found a use for them - but they look cool!
JL -
Color: Red

Mine has a hint of Metallic Red to it. Wears down to a rusty brass sort of a colour after months of use and when i bought it you could actually see a rust sort of colour on the inside of the clip where it wasn't coated properly. O stripe has pretty much wrinkled up over time and had to glue the stitching near the clip which has come loose. Have already bought a Stencil Lanyard as they feel more sturdy than these.
apostrophe -
Color: Goldenrod

Pretty nice lanyard, however the Icon clip has started to wear away after only 2 months of use. Underneath the 'steel' colour on the icon clip is the brass, which might look ok without any silver left but right now looks a bit cheap.
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