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Teknical -
it's just like the wristband or headband, but smaller. Pure genius. They seem well constructed enough. Oakley fingerbands are a great toy for me. I wear them for no reason. Might wear them while typing or coding. They add a nice squeeze, and actually keep my fingers warm. You might try wearing them on the middle section of finger rather than pushed all the way up.
TSIcon8 -
Color: Black/White

No real purpose but really cool to have for the collection next to the Icon Wristbands.
OsmosisJones -
Meh, pretty useless in my eyes. Theyre thick as hell too, so I guess they'll do the job theyre intended to if need-be.
jumpman73 -
Its kind of cool. If you put 2 or 3 on one hand they are pretty nice if you are playing basketball or jogging. That way you can wipe the sweat of your brow. Wristbands are a bit more useful but these look cool.
yoko -
A cool display item but no real use for it. Maybe for poker games?
oogie -
I can't imagine any use for a fingerband ... but it's a cool fuzzy tube with an icon. I like the icon, so I like the band!
sparra -
Color: Black/red

These bobble and knuffle pretty quickly, and though they look pretty cool, I don't wear them anymore. More of a one off thing. Still quite nice to show true O dedication.
x-metalman -
Color: Black/Red
They're pretty cool, but I find them more useful as a display item, as there's not much use for them.
o-xide -
Color: black/ red
cute. The stitch is starting to come off. It is sporty looking while running in the gym
O-bandit -
color: red/black/white

i like those tiny bands!!!
have not realy a usefulness but it´s cool to wear and even cool to have in the collection.....
if you sweating a little bit mor than you should use the regular wirstband otherwise it´s good enough for the eyebrows :o))
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