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american image -
very nice looking box, the white makes it "fresh" to look at, as supposed to the yellow, which gave it a more "normal" look.
the printing looks great, with the 3d-ish icon on top
the only thing comfusing is the CROSS text, because when you are looking for a specific box, CROSSHAIR comes to mind, and you get a little "confused"by it.
The generic white box doesn't really have the same appeal as its predecessors, which illustrated the picture of the glasses they carried. From a business/economic standpoint, however, the box proves sufficent, and at least has a somewhat interesting graphic design.
b2r -
Boring and not really Oakley. I miss the old black and white boxes with the photo of the model inside.
DoctorCrip -
Very boring and plain especially when compared to the older boxes - I even prefer the yellow ones to these - but they are still cooler than most boxes you might get from any other company out there. If it wasn't for the black and white writing on it, I would have given it a lower score.
Lali -
Compared to the yellow box it's much better, but my favorite is still the old black one.
Iwan -
I don't like the use of generic boxes. It makes it less special. But of course it's understandable from an economic point of view. Unfortunately it also makes it easier for producers of fake Oakleys. The one positive thing about this box is that the cardboard (or its coating) seem to be of slightly better quality than its predecessors and doesn't get ripped or creased as easily.
Pander -
It's too bad not every model has it's own box anymore, but when you have the generic box it's not that exciting anymore.
There are some models out there that have the outline of the frame on the side and others just have a barcode and text on it.
The print on the box looks very nice, looks a bit like the patterns and texts used on apparel.
TheVault -
Prety cool design, too bad they made it too generic by putting it on so much box models.

Well it beats the yellow boxes for sure, its a return to the older design but with a modern flavor to it.
jumpman73 -
New box looks pretty cool. I got a bunch of M frame replacement lenses and this is the box it came in. I guess this is what Oakley is shifting too.
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