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o-xide -
You ask Oakley why is this item a limited production, I'll tell you why, because it's completely useless... but enter the world of snowsports and pair this up with an Oakley goggle, you will look bad ass and useless becomes USEFUL.

Althought it's not made to save your head from impact, it does have padding in the right places to absorb the shock if you hit your head.

unlike the Medusa, this hat is has better benefits for snowsports. Looks cool. It doesn't get too hot. earpiece kept my ears toasty and importantly, comfortable and light weight.

All plastic pieces are completely removeable (mostly snap on and off) so the Khaki cloth material is washable (I believe). The inside of the hat is lined with some type of fleece material. The outer rim is leather.

One size fits all is benificial as well. D ring on both lower chin section gives it the industrial look. The Metal O icon on the front centerpiece is outstanding. The spatter skull in the back center piece is totally Oakley. not to mention, the holes in the plastic shield make this look cool and aerodynamic. Back has a garter that keeps the hat snug.

And finally, the headphone feature. I'd say good idea but the wire dangling is asking for trouble in snow activities. Maybe bluetooth it in the future. Sound quality is excellent even with high winds blowing from the outside.

Reactions from people and resort employee: amazed and stoked. "Whoa, flight deck! This dude is geared up!"
ichibandidisan -
Recently got one. And I actually get to wear this for the work that I do! I cue educational videos to follow a written transcript of lectures, so I need snug earphones! What a pleasant coincidence that Oakley has produced one of these cool ear sets. At least shows wifie that Oakley stuff can sometimes be very very practical! Plus, I got spares for the cloth part in a different color (black and darker brown leather edges versus the conventional beige with lighter brown leather edging). So, should I need to wash the cloth portion, I'll have a back-up plan. If the sky or ceiling falls, I know I'm covered.
Nemesis -
My Flight Deck Helmet is more for 'show' than 'go', but I'm glad I picked it up. I don't really think I'd risk actually wearing it to the slopes, I think it's geared more for display. But I know I could if I wanted to. Next time I'm launching an aircraft off the carrier deck, I'll know what to wear.
Salazabr -
Finally got one and can't believe how good the speakers are and that it actually fits my monster noggin! So cool I might have to get another one to keep pristine and actually use this one. Awesome addition and must have for any collection.
kingphilbert -
It's here, and it's so damn cool. What's it for, I have no idea, but it was so worth owning. "One size fits all" works well as it fits my medium noggin and leaves a bit or room to spare. The sound quality is pretty good. Best when strapped on tight. It even comes with a helmet bag to carry it in. Oh, and a little pocket for the excess speaker cord. Though not for head protection in life or death situations, a few knocks on the rear panel from a coworker didn't hurt so much with the padding under the shields. The construction is very nice as well with a fleece lining and leather trim.
Oak -
What a great collector's item (limited to 1,000 as of Jan. 2006). Fits well and the sound's great. No one can escape looking like a total geek in this, but's it's pretty cool anyhow. They come in a really nice box as well.
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