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I like the flames. Blue hues matching the ice iridium, set against an FMJ 5.56 frame look fantastic. And the flames even fade from medium to dark blue hues. Add a true metal icon with a metallic finish, and you've got a great combo.
Rick -
If my memory serves, these were released during a time when everything had flames on it. Shirts, hats, and then Oakleys. I imagine these were hard to resist for some people, but I have a strong feeling that they look a bit out of place and dated in the old collection now that the whole flame fascination seems to have fizzled out.
Dann -
Flames may seem cliché and convenience store-like, but here they're pulled off very well. The flames work well with the FMJ and create a nice metallic effect.
sparra -
I must admit that the flame styles do look initially quite cool and interesting, but after thinking about it, it just doesn't seem very Oakley. I think it's kind of tacky, but still works okay if you're after something a little different.
LEX7 -
these are slightly less boring than the FMJ+ Orange Flames cos at least these have blue flames which do look pretty cool but its over the silver which looks lame. this would have been sooo much better if it was done over a black frame.
BrianJ1888 -
A friend had these, but the silver started to peel and bubble off the frame. I guess some of the FMJ's do this. Also, the flames themselves are a fade from an aqua color to a purple-blue tip.
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