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The Game -
Great color. A deep red that does resemble blood that has dried. It's is also very similar to the metallic red found on flak jackets. They don't seem to use it as much anymore
Dark in color, blood resembles a rich, maroon hue. In the light, however, the metallic finish manifests itself.

If you're looking for a unique pair to add to your collection, search for a pair of Blood-colored frames and you won't be disappointed.

Celicagame -
This is a very nice frame color. It's a little lighter than cinder red. They don't use this color enough. Looks great when paired with VR28's, black iridium or bronze lenses.
Tom G -
I agree with Ed. I have this colour in the Trenchcoat also. Great sparkle in the sun, and warm blood red in the shade. This was my first choice , as I have the Camo frame too!
Ian -
Very nice color, especially on the Trenchcoat. Very brownish, very reddish, but not too much of either.
Ed -
Perfect name for this beautiful frame color. When not in direct light, it appears to be a very dark maroon. Under direct light, the metallic flakes in the paint really shine and give it a sparkly glow.
LEX7 -
Ive got trenchcoats in this colour and its basically a boring dark red. its not really glossy but also not matte somewhere inbetween.
dunno about everyone elses blood but mine is closer to FMJ red rather than this frame colour, LOL
oogie -
My Trenchcoats are this Blood frame color. A really great red color option, "blood" being a good indicator name. Not too flashy like the FMJ Red.
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