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Rick -
Not quite sure how this got named "Black Gold" since it is more of a greeny-browny-gold. It has a deep metallic finish and I am a huge fan as it is the first Oakley frame I had. It's not an attention-getter, but it has a quiet wild side to it.
O-TasMiC -
Very cool color. I have it on my Eye Jackets. It is a deep dark mucky greenish brown with sparkles. It doesnt look that good in pictures, but in person it looks very cool.
sparra -
Stunning frame colour and very different to most current frame styles, which is great. The sparkle in the frame makes them extra special.
oogie -
I have these on my Tens. They are a great frame choice to maintain a conservative frame color but throw some shine/sparkle into the mix.
Dann -
I have this on my Eye Jackets, and it's a very nice color. It's a good way to deviate from a standard black, while still having a dark frame. It is a glitter base and looks very nice in the sun.
LEX7 -
no one i know seems to like this frame colour but i love it, they say its just brown. but it is a sparkly brown that goes a beautiful rich sparkly goldy brown in the sun.
this was my first frame colour, came with my eye jacket gen 1 and has always been one of my favourites.
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