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Ian -
This color is awesome. It's one of the highlights of my collection.
As a company, Oakley experienced a period of time when their quest to travel off the beaten path dominated all their endeavors, and the bengal frame serves as a testimonial of this fact. Wild, loud, and uncharacteristic of what would be considered a "frame color", most people do a double-take when they glance at this frame. Unfortunately, unless you're dressing up in a Halloween costume, I cannot forsee this frame serving any real purpose. In short, the frame is unique... but probably too unique - not something that matches any reasonable attire or outfit.
Rick -
If you are even considering picking this frame up than you obviously have a wild streak in you. The Bengal is truly unique and I only wish it was offered in other models as I am not particularly fond of Oakley's Racing or Sport Jackets. I do like the frame though - a lot.
Ed -
Oakley did a great job on this animal print frame color. Not quite as rare as Red Tiger, but still uncommon. Too wild for me to wear, but a great part of the collection.
O-TasMiC -
Very cool frame color. It is sort of goldenrod/black which is what oakley used for all of their kevlar stuff back in the day. I have Bengal RJs, so it makes the huge gen 1 frame stand out that much more.
american image -
i think they are ugly ! but ugly does not mean NOT COOL , cause they are cool. in this case ugly is good, it works with the frame and purpose. not on for example the gascan
absolutmuah -
only 1 word to describe this frame: SWEEEETTTT!! *slobber* it scares the crap out of my dog when i wear this frame haha
wish they'ld make an OTT in this colour it'll be damn cool!
LEX7 -
I am a huge fan of this colour frame.
it is the orangey yellow/black tiger patern.
I have both of the available models that this frame colour comes in.
there were other tiger pattern frames made but using different colours.
white, red and blue.
it would be nice to see this frame colour make a comeback!
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