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edge2lyfe -
One thing about the movie...they should have used something else, the Juliets as we know didn't exist and look far too advanced for that time period, which was '92 I think?

Funny, I don't remember the actors Juliets being Ruby at all! I do remember them being Ice though. Guess I'll go ahead and buy this movie.
johnnygoodbeer -
Goofs for (from Here )
Black Hawk Down (2001)
Though, technically, these might be thought of as goofs, it's a movie,

Anachronisms: One of the soldiers is seen wearing a pair of Oakley "X-Metal Juliet" sunglasses. These glasses were not released until 2000.

Now i wish i knew that much..whether its true..i have no idea.!!
can someone please help me clean this matter up..
and i noticed that in 1 shot hes got ruby color then abit later on he has got ice blue..see if you notice it, when you watch it.

But i really couldnt care as i love this film..make it in your all time top 50 films more like top 10.
bad aim -
Those are nice! Those Rubies really do add to the atmosphere of the movie.

Is that frame Carbon or X Metal? I don't know...perhaps X Metal but looks like Carbon due to the color shift of the film?
jumpman73 -
Awesome product placement by Oakley. Those shades look so nice in that movie.
KevinLuu -
Jay_X_Bee -
I wore mine X Metal XX during Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan and it still looks good, even after several sandstorms.
Micha -
Oakley seemed to be all over that movie and it was very appropriate. I do agree that the only thing not realistic about it was the Ruby scene. But all the other Oakley scenes were cool. Delta Force wearing Oakleys and when they talked about it was cool
dingygurl6 -
Bryce -
The Juliets are not in the SI line, however if you get ahold of an "Oakley Government Eye Protection Program" form, on the last page there is a category called "Special Operations Glasses" and they have all the Zero .'s as well as the romeo x, juliet x, penny and some other cool ones.
ford -
Yes. Eric Bana was wearing the Juliet's with Ruby lenses. The events in Black Hawk Down are set in 1993. Ruby Juliet's were specifically made for the X-men movie, and were sold to the public after X-men's release in 2000.

In another scene, a soldier is imitating his superior officer and he says "I know Delta wear Oakleys, but that doesn't mean you have to" or something like that.
Chris -
If the military was paying for them, I doubt you'd be concerned.
kingphilbert -
Dann is right. The Juliet did not exist when that event took place. No Juliet existed yet and I don't believe they are part of the SI line at all. True, military have been wearing Oakley for years, even before SI line, but they had to be black with grey lenses. No mirrors and the soldiers had to put a black Sharpie to the "O". I sold to soldiers often. The SI line itself has only been around for a few years now. Black frames, grey lenses and black "O".
Jah-9's -
It's only inaccurate in the particular model - military special forces have been wearing Oakley's for years.

But yeah, the helicopter scene made me shudder when I saw it after I recognized the glasses... shudder.
Dann -
The soldier who is in the city and then gets picked up by the helicopter is wearing Ruby Juliet's. This is historically inaccurate as the Juliet had not been created yet, however. Also he runs up to the helicopter as it hurls sand around. If you owned a $400 pair of sunglasses, I really doubt you'd wear them in a sand storm.
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