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kingphilbert -
Leather Gold was one of those oddball lenses they threw at us. The same way there was Blue Iridium in the mid 90's that was blue, then it came back and was more Purple on the OO and then Ice. The first time it was used was in the OO and it was actually less mirror then most Iridium's. It went from showing Purple to Gold depending how you angled it. When it came out in the OO•E however it was more Gold but still less mirrored. Still a bronze base and excellent to look through.
Tick -
I love the deep, rich color of this lens. Not so different than the Gold Iridium to look through but nicer to look at in my opinion especially on the Why 3 lenses.
Munkfish -
I like this lens - comfortable to wear, but cannot really tell the difference between this and Gold Iridium when wearing.
LEX7 -
i cant really tell the difference between this and gold iridium but as far as i can tell this is slightly darker than normal GI.
Ed -
The base tint is very similar to regular Gold Iridium, but the mirror finish is much lighter, giving the lenses a more brown appearance from the outside.
oogie -
Leather Gold Iridium brings a nice subdued look to the somewhat striking gold iridium. Great for the styles it was chosen for (largely the OO line). A good match made, the leather gold really tones down the iridium while keeping the optics similar to the gold iridium.
bong -
Leather Gold Iridium lenses are great; they look stylin' yet understated as they're less mirrored than other Iridium lenses, but still have a bit of shine. they'r dark enough for sunny days but provides excellent detail and contrast... great for driving.
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