Norris Sealey
Sep 13, 2010 1:24 PM
I recently purchased some X-Squared with the very ruby/ ala XMEN lenses and they are wonderful. I now wanna buy 2 more sets of that very same ruby, but it appears that the lenses have hit the orangy status. Has Oakley ever thought about giving us Positive Red Iridium(polarized or not) in the X-Metal line up? What would be so hard to produce such a lense since they can't be consistent with the ruby? I hate the fire look of ruby when done wrong... If I wanted fire, I'd buy fire. Instead I want an awesome positive red iridium or a dark(how it should be ruby)! I don't wanna purchase another pair of X-Squared just to get a ruby lense and even then I would have to search 1/2 of florida to find that one. My next step is to order 10 pair of ruby lenses from O.com and pray that I get lucky with 2 pair(fingers crossed) or Oakley can expand the lense selection for the X-Metal line... First new color... Dark Ruby or Positive Red Iridium!!!
Justin "Scorpion Zero" Jones
Sep 13, 2010 3:23 PM
I would say that +red isn't offered in the X-Metal line because they aren't considered a "sport" frame. + red is for certain lighting conditions to help out the performance of an athlete, which is why it is common in the Radar.

I'd say if you wanted a pair of deep ruby lenses, you talk to Dr. Chop and he could help you find the right lens to send him and chop if he still does that.
Twenty Fifty
Sep 13, 2010 4:31 PM
+Red made nowadays would likely be a mostly purple lens, so I'm not sure you'd be happy with that if you're looking for pure red.

Yes, it's shocking how Oakley hasn't been able to make Ruby a consistently red lens (except in the Frogskins), but fortunately, from my experience, there's a more or less even distribution of dark red vs. fire-like Ruby in the XS. You'll eventually hit one sooner or later. My dark red XS was bought in Orlando, so hopefully that'll end up being a good sign for you picking up another 2 locally.
18K & FMJ
Sep 13, 2010 7:56 PM
Now there's an issue that needs to be addressed: consistency with lens coloring (i.e., "washed-out" looking lenses - Ruby resembling Fire and Fire resembling 24K). Wasn't that largely due to the baking time/amount of iridium placed in the chamber?

It would be awesome if Oakley got a handle on the QC and made the lenses much more consistent. Although there would always be a slight tolerance for variance, Ruby should never be confused with Fire and Fire should never be confused with 24K.


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