Julien B.
Mar 12, 2010 6:54 PM
Hey fellow-members,
I'm going to New York in may and was hoping you can give me a few tips/addresses, where a oakley-collector should go? Anything else (besides Oakley) is also appreciated!

David Chang
Mar 12, 2010 9:09 PM
O store on Prince Street in SoHo. There's a famous deli kind of close, but for the life of me I cannot remember the name,

I'd also hit Times Square and maybe Central Park and the FAO Schwartz toy store.

that's about it for tourist type stuff.....

paul jewiss
Mar 12, 2010 11:32 PM
i went to NY a few years ago, and as a tourist i thought the statten island ferry past the statue of liberty was cool, the brooklyn bridge for the photo opportunity and the top of the empire state building for the views......
David Chang
Mar 13, 2010 2:28 AM
Yeah. All good. If you're doing the Statue of liberty, to get on the actual island, you need to reserve a space well in advance (on the website). And wait in a very long line to get tickets.

The ferry is a better bet. Empire State is a long line too, but worth it.

I'm surprised no one from NY has weighed in yet.

I'd also put a vote in for the World Trade Center site. It's also a couple of blocks away form the BIg Bull on Wall Street.

Katz's is a good place to eat.

Momofuku is also good. David Chang (no relation, but I have been confused for him), makes a MEAN pork bun and great mead.

Eric Arsenault
Mar 13, 2010 2:59 AM
Maybe you can meet Bong for a beer or something, have a nice trip Julien.
Mike Bahr
Mar 13, 2010 9:35 AM
Haven't been there so hard to comment... but on retail sightseeing adventure you should throw in the Apple Store on 5th Avenue.... the big glass cube that's open 24hrs.

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