David Chang
Nov 26, 2008 6:55 PM
Just out of curiosity, how can I tell the difference between an "M Frame" and a Mumbo? Are there any distinct characteristics or markings?

Dann Thombs
Nov 26, 2008 7:26 PM
Unless you have a matching box, there's now way to tell for sure. Some things that would help are:

Box that says Mumbo only (nothing about M Frame as later boxes still reference the mumbo name)
Original receipt from 1989/early 1990
Neon Yellow frame is common

The only original lens shapes for the Mumbo were, V, 67 and old Hybrid. The others came out after the name change.
David Chang
Nov 26, 2008 7:31 PM

ok. Did the Mumbos have the "O" on the earstem or the "Oakley" on them.

Were M Frame lenses compatable with Mumbos?

Dann Thombs
Nov 26, 2008 7:32 PM
The 'O' didn't come out until 1994, so they were only with the Classic Logo. All lenses were compatible since it was the same frame, just a new name for legal purposes.
Thomas B.
Nov 26, 2008 7:33 PM
I have a similar question:
What's the difference between the Sub Zero #6 Planet X/+Red Iridium and the Zero 0.6 Planet X/+Red Iridium. Cause I really can't tell from the pictures.
Maybe this should be in the stupid question thread.
Dann Thombs
Nov 26, 2008 7:37 PM
The Zero 0.6 like the other Zero's had 'fangs' on the stems, which was an extra portion of the ear stem that continued beyond the ear sock. The 0.6 also had a slightly different lens shape, but was similar.

However the N2T of both the Sub and 0.6 were identical since they were using up old stock.

Bob Russell
Nov 26, 2008 7:44 PM
Anyone else want to take a shot?

The Mann is on fire today! HA! Good work Dann. Your knowledge precedes you.
Thomas B.
Nov 26, 2008 7:50 PM
Thanks for solving my puzzle. I knew I read about this somewhere. I'll have to check "Variations and Generational Changes" more often.
Dann, you're a real Oakley Lexicon!
Dann Thombs
Nov 26, 2008 8:20 PM
Haha, thanks. I need to keep up on it though. Some of the new Oil Drum/Rig changes need to be documented.
paul mcj
Nov 26, 2008 8:22 PM
I get this blank, glazed over look everything we start talking about zeros and sub zeros.

I'm good on my 0.1-0.6 chat, but the sub zero is like a foreign language.
Dann Thombs
Nov 26, 2008 8:43 PM
Read the definitive article:
Twenty Fifty
Nov 26, 2008 8:46 PM
I never get tired of reading that. Excellent work by both Phil and Lee.
David Lee
Nov 26, 2008 10:01 PM
I think you've maybe confirmed that my early M-Frame with the 67 lens may be Mumbos. Did they have fingerprint frames early on?
Bryan Fin7
Nov 26, 2008 11:42 PM
I never get tired of reading that. Excellent work by both Phil and Lee.
I totally agree, just when I'm thinking I know the zero's and subs,
I check that and prove myself wrong
Dann Thombs
Nov 27, 2008 2:55 AM
No, fingerprint came out later. Just solid frames on the Mumbo's. Fingerprint did come in gen 1 though, and rare in gen 2.
David Lee
Nov 27, 2008 7:10 AM
David Chang
Dec 7, 2008 6:30 AM
What do you think? M Frame or Mumbo?


If you need more pics, let me know.
Lee Silver
Dec 7, 2008 12:03 PM
Mumbos only came in 3 frame colours, Black, White, and Neon Yellow, so you could say that the frame is a Mumbo frame, although Black and White were also used in the original M Frame lineup, so the only guaranteed Mumbo frame would be the hard to find Neon Yellow.

As for the lenses, they are all M Frame lenses I'm afraid, as the first two have the oakley etching, and the last lens uses the newer nosepiece (Mumbo lenses all used the larger Blade nosepiece.)

Julien B.
Dec 7, 2008 7:07 PM
Mumbo and M-Frame? What about the difference between a Mumbo, a M-Frame and a Razorblade?

Dann Thombs
Dec 7, 2008 8:44 PM
The Razorblade was a different model, one that Oakley released the M Frame in an attempt to phase out. The Blade/RazorBlade/Slit are all differentiated by the lenses.

See BigCob's photo in the variation's page

Julien B.
Dec 7, 2008 8:59 PM
But these "M-Frame - Mumbo with Hammers" I posted look similar to the old Razorblades (and not like any kind of M-Frame that I've ever seen).
Lee Silver
Dec 7, 2008 9:57 PM
Thats because those Razorblades are sitting on top of an M Frame box, so thats where your getting confused maybe.

This is the correct box;

Julien B.
Dec 7, 2008 10:11 PM
Well, this is how I bought them (in a shop)! That's why I was thinking that this is the matching box to these shades, especially because the lense-color is correct.
-> So what is a "Mumbo with Hammers"? Does "Hammers" only mean a horizontal sweep (like on the wardens, juliet, xmxx etc.) or also a vertical one?

I thought the "Razor" has Hammer stems - unlike the usual Blade?
David Chang
Dec 8, 2008 12:30 AM
So as far as mine go, I know the lenses are new, so they're not the original mumbo lens.

Trying to figure out the frame. Is there a history of the mframe written up somewhere here?

Dann Thombs
Dec 8, 2008 4:39 AM
Hammer stems are an outward bending ear stem, like the ones you see on the early M Frames, and refined on the New M Frames.

You're thinking of trigger stems, which are the downward curving stems, recently reappearing on the Wardens. The only difference between a Blade and RazorBlade is the lens shape. Stems could be swapped with kits and make no difference.

Dave, since the lens is new, and the frame is a standard black that appeared both on the Mumbo and into the regular run of M Frames, I don't see there being any way to tell the difference unless you had a Mumbo box or receipt of sale dating back to that period. It's a case of additional material needed to verify the object rather than the object itself.

In any case, if you can't tell, then no one else will either.

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