After finally reaching a mark - 300 pairs - that I'd never thought would be attainable, I'd like to thank everyone here. After being part of the O-review for nearly a year and a half, I have met some very wonderful people, many of whom have been very generous. Some of you have helped me with specific pieces in the collection, and some have helped in other ways. Regardless, the collection wouldn't be anything compared to what it is now without all of your help! I won't name names, because I don't want to put anyone on the spot... but there are many of you. So a special "thank you" goes out to each and every one of you!!! Here's #300:
Half Jacket XLJ Pearl/H.I. Persimmon
And thanks to Dann, the mods, and Jason (who doesn't get thanked very often, even though he's the man who pays the bills) for creating/maintaining this site. Long live the OR.