Steve Weinraub
Jul 13, 2007 1:58 AM
Is it uncommon to have one of the lenses in my "brand new" X-Metal/Ruby custom Juliets wiggle around slightly? It is most noticeable when I'm cleaning the lens. but might also occur when adjusting them on my face. When wearing the glasses, it's the left lens that does this - mostly the side of it that faces the nose. Could it just require a tightening? Only problem is I don't have that kind of screwdriver - a T9 I think.
Rick (The Doctor) Fawcett
Jul 13, 2007 2:04 AM
Is it uncommon? Unfortunately it is not uncommon. There are a few tricks you can do to keep it tight. Most of which require a tiny piece of tape/string/whatever to fit into the gap between the frame and the lens.

Torx 6 is the tool you need to tighten, but I don't think tightening the frame will solve your problem in this instance.
The Dispenser of Truth. Jason Wong
Jul 13, 2007 2:45 AM
like Rick said, it's a common problem. I have yet to find a solution that I actually like. The problem with tape is it gets warm and the adhesive melts and gets on the lenses. The problem with string is it sticks eventually. I'm going to see if I can come up with a better solution. I will post it here if I do.
Steve Weinraub
Jul 13, 2007 2:48 AM
Thanks guys...I really appreciate your help as well as your quick response. At least I now know I didn't get a defect. I guess I can live with it though because it's not too bad. If you do find a better solution to the problem at some point, I'd love to hear it. Thanks again.
Just call me Woody!
Jul 13, 2007 3:15 AM
I have had this problem too. The best way I have found to solve this is by cutting a thin strip of plastic(I use the plastic that protects the crystal of new watches because it is thicker yet pliable) and place it between the lens and in inner orbital. It is tricky getting it into the right place but my lens is now tight and you can't tell that there is anything there. That's my quick fix.
Steve Weinraub
Jul 13, 2007 3:25 AM
Thanks, Woody...that sounds like a good idea...I hope I can find some of that plastic.
Elliptical Donut Logo
Jul 13, 2007 7:05 AM
i used silicone glue, i think that's what it's called. I got it from the harware store. stinks like vinegar when it is still wet but dries like rubber. it's transparent too.

put a little on the frame and let it dry before putting the lens.
John Scollard
Jul 13, 2007 9:11 AM
I've always used a little fishing line under the lens...
Chester The X Metalist
Jul 13, 2007 12:52 PM
I go to OSH and buy the smallest o-rings I can find. I cut a tiny portion of that o-ring and slip it on the lens grove and whalaaa!!! No more lens movements. The tiny rubber o-ring piece I put in gets depressed and does not show at all
The Dispenser of Truth. Jason Wong
Jul 13, 2007 8:42 PM
Wow my attempt to come up with a new way really didn't work to well. It worked on one lense, but after a lot of fighting I came to the realization that my left lense was never even remotely secure. I can literally pop it out with very minimal force even with a piece of plastic inserted. The problem is so severe I will have to send it in to be replaced! That is another solution by the way. If you have frames that don't work you can send them in and Oakley will replace the frames at a very resonable price. They also will replace the lenses as well for additional cost, but you get a brand new everything.
Steve Weinraub
Jul 14, 2007 3:44 AM
Thanks...however I think I'm just gonna leave well enough alone for now. Besides, mine thankfully isn't so loose that the lens could easily fall out...just a tiny bit of wiggle room. The main reason I asked was just to see if it was uncommon and if I should think about returning them. I'm glad I don't have to consider it because I'm absolutely in love with them. Should it loosen up more or if I get a little ambitious, then I will attempt some of your suggestions. Thanks again everybody.
Jul 15, 2007 5:08 PM
Yeah, I would just leave it. We've seen lots of Juliets with lenses so loose, it rattles as you shake the frame, so yours isn't too bad.
Steve Weinraub
Jul 17, 2007 5:02 AM
David, when I get one of your custom lenses - which I soon will...once my checking account recovers from my Juliet purchase as well as my car repairs - should I expect the problem to go away, or is the problem with the frame and not my current lens?
Jul 18, 2007 10:08 AM
Since we usually don't sell frames with our lenses and x-metal frames do have size variations, we ship almost all of our x-metal lenses with a small piece of double stick foam piece. Should you find the lens loose, you just need to cut a very thin slice of the double stick foam and place it in the orbital track.
www.drchop shop.com
Jul 18, 2007 10:12 AM
I also have found that clear monofillament fishing line in various pound test sizes (diameters) works well since it is clear and you can "fine tune" the fit...
- pitOm -
Jul 23, 2007 9:30 AM
Oakley's POLARIZED lenses are thicker than non-POLARIZED lenses.
Perhaps your frame is designed for the POLARIZED one instead is your lenses are non-POLARIZED.

The suggestion from the other members seem useful and you can try one of those you thought it's best.
- pitOm -
Jul 23, 2007 9:45 AM
Oakley's POLARIZED lenses are thicker than non-POLARIZED lenses.
Perhaps your frame is designed for the POLARIZED one instead is your lenses are non-POLARIZED.

The suggestion from the other members seem useful and you can try one of those you thought it's best.

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