jake young
Jul 18, 2006 10:42 AM
Anyway, who exactly are "they".
He was talking about terroists in general so the pronoun they refers to the terroists, even thought he starts out talking about Hamas and bleeds into the al-Qâ'idah.

And I sure would wish that Justin would run his posts thorough a word processor.

Secondly, Yeah it is sad that the boy and his father was killed.
However we also don’t know the circumstances, were they throwing rocks, did they have a gun 5 seconds earlier, and who did shoot “them”. We really don’t know other than it’s a site that seems to be primarily used for anti Israeli military rhetoric not to memorialize the loss of family and in English not their native tongue.

But in any case that an innocent is killed “I will raise you” an unprovoked café bombing, bus bombing or a car bomb.
James brown
Jul 18, 2006 12:02 PM
You got me wrong Jake, I am not looking to up the ante with a few bombings. I was trying to highlight how sad it is on all accounts, not just from the point of view of one palastinian family in mourning. There are enough of those in London, NY, Madrid, Mumbai etceteras as well.

My last post was trying to veer away from the "our side is right and theirs is wrong" argument to try and point out my opinion that the whole thing is a pointless exercise. As far as I can see this is the case for israeli draftees as well as the unfortunate buggers that are born into a family that teaches them to throw rocks at nervous soldiers with rifles.

Too many people take a gung ho attitude and start waving flags and quoting Jack Nicholson characters instead of just taking stock. The only reason I posted that link was the images. Just as a reminder to justin that you dont have to be a westerner to be a victim.

As for "doesnt anyone remember 9/11":

Jul 19, 2006 12:47 AM
yea, like said above, these middle eastern battles have been going on since time began, fighting over the "holy" land, and who has a right to it.

now its about oil, there is soooooo much money to be made and he who controls the oil controls the world.

its all politics now

and my little conspiciry theory is that oil hasnt slowed production at all, if anything it has increased, I think the U.S is jacking up the price to pay for this war, when I was in iraq i talked to a lot of civilians and some of the contractors working over there get 600,000 + tax free pay per year, not all get paid that much but average i would say is 100K per year, if this continues the US will be bankrupt, think about it, gas doubled in price in a matter of a couple years only after the war started. hmmm well thats my .02 $, I just hope i dont ever have to go back to that country, those people are crazy

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