J Strake
May 1, 2006 6:35 PM
perhaps we can start to eliminate choices that when made with X metal, becomes unreasonably heavy.
Philip Barket
May 1, 2006 8:06 PM
There's already a Titanium Spike.
Zik Alikhan
May 1, 2006 8:20 PM
I think it'll be boring if the new X-Metal is just based on an existing model... We want to see something new!! Something 'unique' that makes it stand out from others!

And I mean 'unique'... not 'weird'...
May 1, 2006 10:01 PM
based on dose not = looks just like
Romel G
May 6, 2006 6:28 AM
Hi Zik,

Nope I'm talking about this one:

The image is one from the Mutants list in the website.
Zik Alikhan
May 6, 2006 6:34 AM
Romel the picture is not clear... Is that a 'PrintScreen' from the flash of the website? :) I'll have a look where that is...
Jonathan Tung
May 6, 2006 6:38 AM
You guys are getting warm as to what the new X-Metal is based on.

Problem is of course, that any metal frame aside from the wires requires some sort of flex mechanism if you want any flexing at all. And we all saw what a non-felx coupler design did to the lenses of Romeo.
Romel G
May 6, 2006 6:38 AM
yup its a print screen. Can't capture the image coz its a flash based application on the X3 site.

the visor is really weird =)
Zik Alikhan
May 6, 2006 6:47 AM
Yeah... i checked them out and the image is still blurry.. it's a moving image! lol... I still cant see it well but I think he's wearing that custom Penny...
Dont point your finger at me though if I'm wrong hehehe... And thanks for your print screen, now I see what u mean =)
cyclops x
May 6, 2006 6:49 AM
check this out.
Romel G
May 6, 2006 6:49 AM
hehehe yup at first that's what I thought, but it looks different.. and with what Jonathan is saying above, we're looking at something new here =)
cyclops x
May 6, 2006 6:55 AM
what the ? is this.
Romel G
May 6, 2006 7:00 AM
that the cyclops juliet in Xmen 1.
Where did you get this? who's the lucky one who owns this?
Zik Alikhan
May 6, 2006 8:02 AM
But that is not the actual prop now is it?? It would look even nicer if u put Ruby '1st Gen' on it and the frame colour matches the side-blinders' color...

EDIT: Even better, put Ruby Quartz lens on it! =)
cyclops x
May 6, 2006 7:44 AM
I'm cyclops, that's why I have this.
Zik Alikhan
May 6, 2006 8:03 AM
I'm cyclops, that's why I have this.
I have no doubt! =) Show us your Penny & Visor as well please!! (^-^)
cyclops x
May 6, 2006 8:21 AM
my penny flew away.
Yoko Romero
May 6, 2006 8:53 AM
whoa. if you don't mind, could you please show a pic from the back of the visor and blinders. The visor, is it foldable? thanks
Twenty Fifty
May 6, 2006 9:37 AM
Nice props, dude! That makes it 2 people who are or have been members that have authentic, Oakley-produced X-men prop.
Zik Alikhan
May 6, 2006 10:00 PM
my Penny flew away.
U should've said that u were wearing the Penny while taking the other two... Cant take picts of all 3 at the same time to avoid destroying the house =)
Julien B.
May 6, 2006 10:44 PM
A visor... and a juliet with side blinders... Where's the Mazda RX 8?
Zik Alikhan
May 6, 2006 10:50 PM
Cyclops owns motorcycles =)

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