Jan 11, 2006 6:48 PM
I've heard it being mentioned that the mag range is no longer going to be produced by Oakley, can anyone confirm this?
I have a pair of mag switch and am concerned about warranty issues should they discontinue the line as they will not manufacture spare parts?
american image
science wrapped in art dealer
Jan 11, 2006 6:49 PM
they are already discontinued in europe for a while now
Jan 11, 2006 8:29 PM
No worries, the O always keeps around enough parts for warranty. Then once they run out they usually offer some kind of upgrade $ amount.
I Con
Jan 12, 2006 7:48 AM
They've been discontinued for over a year.

Not to worry- there are plenty in warehouse, although Mag M lens kits may become harder to come by.
Jan 12, 2006 2:21 PM
What exactly would upgrade amount mean?
And I notice also that on the Mag range, the material tends to discolour and sometimes dvelpo little dots like blisters, is this normal and a fair warranty claim?
I Con
Jan 12, 2006 6:39 PM
Upgrade $ amount would mean that when they run out of your frame, they'll offer to replace them with a different style for a prorated fee.
paul mcj
Jan 12, 2006 8:52 PM
For example, when my old Straight Jackets broke a hinge. They don't have warranty pieces for those any longer, so they just offered me $40 off any eyewear in the Jacket family.
Jan 13, 2006 6:31 PM
The upgrade amount policy doesn't seem very fair or worthwhile for the customer
Rick (The Doctor) Fawcett
Jan 13, 2006 6:37 PM
I've never had reason to go this route, but it sounds pretty fair to me. All of this is over and beyond the one-year warranty. Most companies would leave you twisting in the wind once the warranty is up. At least Oakley is willing to do something.
Paul Loe
Jan 13, 2006 7:25 PM
in the US or Japan that is. over here they're only offering 30% off for purchasing a replacement pair of your choice.
Paul Sollenberger
Jan 13, 2006 7:41 PM
But 30% can be a decent amount depending on the replacemnet you choose. You just have to get the most for your 30%.
Jan 13, 2006 7:45 PM
Ric is correct. How is it not fair? Ray Ban, Arnette, Nike, and most other brands would tell you to go buy another pair your warranty is up. Sounds way more than fair to me.
paul mcj
Jan 13, 2006 9:03 PM
I will give Oakley props for overall fantastic warranty service. The whole "we can give you $40 towards another purchase for your old eyewear" policy just seems a bit cheap because we get seriously pampered on every other warranty transaction.

I really do praise the Oakley gods every time I need to send in a cruddy/cracked frame and I get back a sweet brand-new frame for a marginal $30-50 fee. You just can't beat that.
Philip Barket
Jan 13, 2006 9:11 PM
The replacement option really is great. I've seen O do it with glasses out of production for near 5-7 years now. 2nd gen Fskins, and original Eye Jackets most recenlty too from customers who had bought them years back.

Defender is right about Lux brands and so on. The warranties are serviced in-store by Lux chains like SGH and nothing after the first year unless you try to cut through all the tape of calling the corporate offices and then they still can't do much pf anything. Sadly, Revo (pre Lux) used to have a great warranty and replacement policy. And Maui Jim has done some amazing things after the first year with theirs too.

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