www.drchop shop.com
Mar 23, 2006 5:58 PM
Here is the problem you might be running into..USPS provides NO TRACKING INFO for anything outside the USA. I have recently shipped to Hillinsnow in So. Korea, and to Ed in Australia and I was told the same thing both times...No tracking. It is disturbing, but understandable. Once it leaves the country, it is in the hands of the destination country basically and there is no cross communications between postal services. I would request proof of mailing which is what I have done for the others in the past for a comfort level, but that is about as far as it will go since they don't provide tracking. Hope this helps...I do know who you are referring to, but haven't bought from them, and yes, I hate that damn voice thing too...I just stick to total_o
Justin "The Mofoin' Man" Gandy
Mar 23, 2006 7:34 PM
that really sucks bud, i hope everything turns out well... did you use paypal? if so how much did you pay? (if you dont mind my asking)
jake young
Mar 24, 2006 12:39 AM
I just wonder though about his "rare items" some of them look like he bought 4-5 of the same style and then played mix and match.

anyone else?
JF .
Mar 24, 2006 4:27 AM
I pay everything include shipping with USD160++. My country not allow paypal, so I paid by banker draft, I check with local bank that the seller withdraw the money on December 2005. I keep on pushing him for insurance claim, but no reply from him... damm... I can't believe such thing happen with such a high score seller.

This guy with his after sales service really make me mad!!!
jake young
Mar 24, 2006 10:32 PM
it sounds fishy and at the same time i just went through something just like it.

i ordered something from an ebay seller in Canada and it didnt arive in 8 weeks(it usually takes 2-3 weeks in the past).

she kept saying their on the way, just wait a little longer.

then she says she will send out replacements and i get those in 2 weeks with the other package that was sent out 10 weeks ago.

So I would hold on a bit longer but in the future see if you could arrange buys through a trustworthy O-review member if you can.
Tom Teichert
Mar 25, 2006 12:39 AM
btw-does somebody noticed the time of replies?

three or four times...

junfatt JF . - 3/23/2006 12/31/1899
Roy Keane
Mar 25, 2006 3:33 AM
dont think so
JF .
Mar 25, 2006 4:48 AM
yup, maybe some system problem on the calender...
mat lloyd
Mar 25, 2006 9:27 AM
as bad as it is, since you paid with bankdraft he may just he scamming you. As dirty as paypal used to be, it's really the only want to protect yourself from junk like this.

If u had been able to use PP, you could've just reversed the charges until you got it and the seller provided the supporting documentation.

hope it works out for you.
JF .
Apr 5, 2006 8:24 AM
After I written so many email to Ebay, finally I get my rewards. This Monday, Ebay instruct me to fax them my payment receipt. I did and the seller refund my money thru paypal. Thank God...

JF .
Apr 5, 2006 8:25 AM
But to be frank, I will rather to have a Fire Splice than the refund, but what to do? I may need to purchase another one...
www.drchop shop.com
Apr 5, 2006 8:36 AM
Nice to hear you got your money back...Ebay is usually strong about things like that, but you never know.
Apr 5, 2006 5:25 PM
my friends all caution when buying any glasses on eBay. I know a few people who got burnt on the bay when buying Oakleys. My friend said on another forum they are talking about some seller from CA that is selling a bunch of used Juliets and when they got them they were in horrible shape or something. One story was a guy that got a bad pair sent them to Oakley and was able to get a brand new pair back!? no idea how that got pulled off.

I guess its a hit or miss on eBay. you have to be paranoid and careful. Sometimes its just worth it to pay retail.
Justin "The Mofoin' Man" Gandy
Apr 5, 2006 5:32 PM
yeah ... Junfatt if you wanna pay us retail for some fire splices theres a par at a local OPD... send me the $$ and i would be more than happy to pick them up for you an ship them out
J Strake
Apr 5, 2006 6:36 PM
Can you ever get a valid warranty by paying for new glasses less than retail?

Just curious to know, since some Oakleys service centers around the world insist on a proof of purchase beofre servicing your glasses.
Apr 5, 2006 6:38 PM
i don't know, i would assume you need the bill of sale for any warranty service. but my friend told me a story (may not be true) that some guy got ripped off on eBay getting a pair of shot juliets and in turn sent them to Oakley for repair and they just replaced them with a new pair. not sure how true this is.
JF .
Apr 5, 2006 11:52 PM
Hi, Justin. Thanks for your help. I am considering it. But now still waiting for the summer new models... let see how is the new model..
Patrick Trinh
Apr 6, 2006 1:02 AM
hi joe would u have a link to that forum or know the seller's name or ID. Ive just recently snagged 2 pairs of used juliets for very cheap and the seller is also from california, so im a little concerned...

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