Jan 7, 2006 10:25 AM
I work in retail sales in consumer electronics (Future Shop, mobile audio). I sell mainly MP3 players and car audio. When im trying to convice a customer in buying the extended service, i get some people who decline. But as a salesman, im pretty good in convincing people in buying the extended warranty because im just that good :) If i was a customer, i probably would buy it on something like an mp3, laptop, or an ipod (ipods are known for weird battery life and nanos being broken). But i wanna hear your thoughts about extended warranties and how you feel about it. Also, have you ever experienced problems?
american image
science wrapped in art dealer
Jan 7, 2006 12:41 PM
the law in europe provides in extended warranty , overhere products have a certain life-span in which a customer can expect the product to work properly , if it breaks beyond repair it is automatic warranty.
not many people overhere know this , so that is why extended warranty still excists
Rick (The Doctor) Fawcett
Jan 7, 2006 1:42 PM
It bothers me when a salesperson tries to sell me an extended warranty by telling me that the item I am thinking of buying is bound to break down on me. Also, I've had a few people tell me that the warranty covers absolutely any damage to the product which is false. I am not a huge fan of Futureshop actually. (sorry). But, it is so obvious they make huge dough off warranties - and will do/say almost anything to get you to buy it.

Sidenote: I have a laptop with the 3-year extended warranty but the receipt seems to have been printed with disappearing ink because it is almost impossible to read. Check it out:

american image
science wrapped in art dealer
Jan 7, 2006 2:47 PM
is it printed on thermical paper ?
Twenty Fifty
Jan 7, 2006 4:58 PM
Yep, I've bought extended warranties on both my TV and my old laptop. And yep, I had to use the warranty both times.

Yep, I have Futureshop's receipts as well
paul mcj
Jan 7, 2006 10:47 PM
I generally take the "no" stance on extended warranties. But I keep a slightly open mind based on the type of item I'm purchasing and the details of the program. Some programs that allow an automatic new battery every year can make it worthwhile as long as you take them up on the offer every year and get a new battery.
Travis D
Jan 10, 2006 4:33 AM
Im happy I bought mine for my mp3 player. It is only 512 mb sport model but I have taken it back twice now. It would have been all my money down the drain if not for the extended warranty.
sees you
Jan 10, 2006 11:26 PM
You gotta get it on your car. That usually pays off with one or two visits
Dann Thombs
Jan 11, 2006 12:07 AM
I got one on my car CD player. Those things get banged around pretty hard, so it's worth it. Especially for only like $40 more.
Jan 12, 2006 7:46 AM
I really find it funny when someone who bought something w/o the extended and comes back after there's a problem. For example, i've been with futureshop for more than half a year and i still remember some of my customers who bought stuff of me. some didn't buy the extended warranty b/c when i first started off, i sucked at it. anyways, couple days ago, some guy came back to see me about a problem he had with his mp3 player. he said that there was problems with the buttons. i remember distinctly that he didn't buy the extended but i asked him anyways and he said no. unfortunately, there was nothing that I could do cuz he didn't buy the extended and had to go out his own way in getting it fixed. I just find it funny when stuff like that happens b/c it DOES happen. Not everyone will get the problem but the odds are not that far off as a salesmen would tell you. ipods, if you don't know, are kinda crappy for their battery life. that's why i would RECOMMEND it, but if, for example, buy something off of me AND you didn't buy the extended AND you had a problem, i would probably laugh in your face.
Roy Keane
Jan 13, 2006 11:13 PM
Depends what type of person you are and the hazards associated with you I guess.

I believe young people would be more to decline it rather than older individuals.

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