Kevin C.
Nov 30, 2005 7:14 AM
I'm wondering the same thing, I asked the staff at both the O-Store and Vault if they had seen it or if it was the lens in the Thump2 poster but nobody seemed to know.
sees you
Nov 30, 2005 9:11 AM
Slackers! All of em! We should make ourselves available on call so people get informed correctly
Nov 30, 2005 11:43 AM
A direct link to O-Review should be put on oakley.com! Something like: "for more info on hands-on experience, click here"

Kevin C.
Nov 30, 2005 7:18 PM
Believe it or not, the Chicago Vault staff knows all about the O-Review a say that they visit occasionally. I was told by one staff member that they have even used it as a reference before to see if a product is available or not.

Its funny, if they know your a member they will start asking you stuff like what new things are coming out, what the latest news is and anything in general about Oakley.

I think its cool when staff members are fans as well.

Dann Thombs
Nov 30, 2005 8:35 PM
That's refreshing.
Kevin C.
Nov 30, 2005 9:39 PM
I was also really surprised when they said that about four months ago they called Oakley to identify the authenticity of an M-Frame combo and no one was able to help, so they came on the web site to find out that they somehow received a shipment of Laser Lens M-Frames!

I almost cried when they said they sold them for $50 a pair!
Dann Thombs
Nov 30, 2005 9:41 PM
That's heartbraking. Maybe they were G26, yeah we'll tell ourselves that.
Nov 30, 2005 11:30 PM
I think the lens on the model with the white frame is VR50, just looks a little funny the way the lights hit it. The new lenses should be in stores by the end of the week. Everything I have read says that the Gascan and Thump 2 lenses ARE a little different. While they will go in to each others frames they are not meant to and swapping them could distort the optics somewhat.
Kevin C.
Nov 30, 2005 11:59 PM
I'm sure it has to be a distorting optics thing because as far as shape and size, when I took out and laid the lenses on top of each other, they were identical.
. .
Dec 1, 2005 1:49 AM
Matte Black/VR50 or G30 Cans sound like a winner. Bye bye boring grey.
paul mcj
Dec 8, 2005 4:26 AM
I was able to check out the new lens selections at the o-store today. Mostly wanted to see this G30 Ti Iridium. It looked very cool (and very much like you would imagine) ... but it's just hard to imagine what the lens will look like mounted in a Gascan (or *ahem*, T2) frame. You do get the Titanium laser lens etching, which is cool. But it's just too difficult to tell how strongly mirrored the lens is without trying them on with the frame.
Dec 8, 2005 5:35 AM
Paul - is G30 the base or the Iridium?
Dann Thombs
Dec 8, 2005 3:57 PM
I imagine the base, since G30 can stand for either the base tint or the Iridium, while Ti only stands for the Iridium; it has a Bronze lens base. The only time G30 stands for the Iridium alone is in Persimmon G30, since Persimmon is a base only lens.
paul mcj
Dec 8, 2005 8:36 PM
Correct, G30 is the base ... so it has that pink/rose base color, withe the Ti Iridium coating.

It looked cool, but I am hoping they'll release just a Ti Iridium lens kit.
Dec 8, 2005 8:53 PM
I received my Ti Clear lenskit today. Haven't mounted them yet, but pics will come up after dinner.
Twenty Fifty
Dec 8, 2005 8:54 PM
What's the colour of the iridium coating on G30 Iridium?
I Con
Dec 8, 2005 8:58 PM
Blue now- looks similar to the subtle blue on the H.I. yellow (/blue) and persimmon.

It could be just my imagination, but I swear the original G30 had a greenish mirror.

G30 Black Iridium is sort of replacing regular G30 anyway.
Dann Thombs
Dec 8, 2005 9:02 PM
I think G30 black is even being called G30 now. The G30 O Store London Gascans were G30, but had a black reflection.

Before G30 was a blueish mirror, but I'm assuming different than Blue Iridum, because there's Persimmon G30. If G30 iridium was blue, then there would be no need for HI Persimmon, which is Persimmon with Blue Iridium.
Twenty Fifty
Dec 8, 2005 9:04 PM
Huh, very interesting. I've got the feeling that the London O-Store GC has G30 Titanium. The iridium coating very much resembles the one on Titanium iridium. I don't have access to G30 iridium to confirm this, though.
I Con
Dec 8, 2005 9:05 PM
Frankly, I wish they'd stop putting G30 in everything and leave it for the HJ and M-Frame (Bottlecap is okay) because I'm really tired of explaining why you'd want a golf lens in something you're clearly not going golfing in.
Twenty Fifty
Dec 8, 2005 9:08 PM
LOL. That's why you make the big bucks. :-D
I Con
Dec 8, 2005 10:30 PM


Kevin C.
Dec 8, 2005 10:39 PM
I was actually kind of disappointed when I saw the G30 T.I. Thump2 Lenses in person only because I prefer the G30 with the subtle Blue coating like in the White Crosshairs or H.I Yellow(Blue). The G30 T.I. lenses basically look like the old G30 with no blue at all.

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