Oct 3, 2005 12:29 PM
Just passed by the Hollywood O Store.
They just got in the amber polarized Monster Dogs, and Half Jackets.
The worker there told me they should also be getting gascans, crosshairs, and a few other models in the amber polarized.
I will definitely be saving up my dough for the polished black/amber monster dogs, WOW!
They also got in the SGH black chrome/brown gradient crosshairs too.

EDIT: It is actually Black Iridium Amber Polarized....I think.
Sep 30, 2005 11:11 PM
I thought the frames were going to be Matte Black? Did they mention the Why 8.2?
Oct 1, 2005 12:56 AM
Changed to Jet black at last Min. They look great though, and they are actuly Amber with a Blk. Ird. coating. KILLER!!!!
Oct 1, 2005 1:02 AM
The lense sounds really cool! But I was actually hoping to get a matte black HJ frame to match my mountain bike. ARGHHHH!

What exactly is the difference between black and jet black?
sees you
Oct 1, 2005 1:55 AM
Has anyone looked through the Amber Pol. yet? Is it like 24K or is it a whole new viewing experience?
EJ Man
Oct 1, 2005 2:35 AM
DAMN, i thought the dogs were gonna be matte black?
Eddy C
Oct 1, 2005 8:35 AM
I've tried Amber Polarized in M-Frame... it's a weird pale green tint.

Black usually refers to matte black. Jet black is more of a polished finish.
american image
science wrapped in art dealer
Oct 1, 2005 12:23 PM
black versus jetblack = newspaper versus glossy magazine

or like a 20 year old car/paintwork versus a brandnew showroom car
Dann Thombs
Oct 1, 2005 9:43 PM
Amber is like a non-iridium Fire
Oct 1, 2005 11:24 PM
Amber is more Yellow/Green, these new 1/2 jackets and MD have a Black Ird. coating so they are darker than the Amber that is in the Pol. M frame. I am guessing the transmition on them to be about the same as gold Ird. with a higher contrast. With them on the lens looks alot like Ti Ird. to the person looking at you. Yes there are more to come, such as a black/amber blk ird why 8.2
Oct 2, 2005 12:08 AM
So black is the same as matte black? But black is listed as a glossy finish in the DB? Believe it or not I haven't seen the black frame in person only the matte and jet black.

Dann Thombs
Oct 2, 2005 1:09 AM
take everything in the DB with a grain of salt.
Brian Johnson
Oct 2, 2005 3:02 AM
there are 3 blacks: polished/jet which is shiny, matte, like what is found on the SI models (low gloss and a bit rough), and black (plain) that is just the standard one like on the fives (it's kinda like the semi-gloss of the black frames).
EJ Man
Oct 2, 2005 3:07 AM
if they come with the proper matte black like the version on the OTT then i will want the MDs but i dunno about the rest.
possibly the WHY 8.2
Oct 3, 2005 12:37 PM
When the frame isn't on, the color of the lens looks green/yellow/brownish.
However once you put them on, the black iridum basically takes over.You can barely see your eyes through the lens.
Tried taking pics from my camera phone, unfortunately he quality sucks! Sorry for the weak pics.

Oct 3, 2005 5:55 PM
Hey man thanks, don't sweat the pics; some are better than none and we (at least I) don't expect you to haul out a super camera when in-store. My only lament is that the polarization is gonna bump the price up too much (geez EC you got an excuse for everything).
Eric Arsenault
Oct 3, 2005 7:13 PM
Do we really need another brownish color ? Theres already too many blacks and browns colors on a lot of models.

Just my 02 cents, but I'd like to see new colors, even if they are not wild, like a camo or a fade.
Eddy C
Oct 3, 2005 8:41 PM
Thanks for the pics, aLAthing! Like E C said, having a picture is better than not having one.

Anyone know if there will be any non-polarized Amber lenses?
Wilson Ng
Oct 8, 2005 1:44 AM
WOW... big news! i was trying to avoid a Why 8.2 purchase, but no i just might have to pick up a pair in these lenses. does anyone know if the Amber lens tint (polarized, black iridium, or otherwise) will be available in other Wires?
john nhoj
Oct 13, 2005 1:13 AM
Gray colors offer less distortion.

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