ok.. i've got abit of prob with the Unobtainium® for my RX frame.
ya see... i've been using the RX for 2 years... and now the Unobtainium® begining to... er...'melt'?
Its more like... the surface has got some kindda shiny oil-like coating...
i dunno whats up with it.
i have this Minute for 5 years... and the Unobtainium® is still cool.
anyone else encounter the same prob? any way i can fix it without ordering new Unobtainium® earsock?
My first pair of Romeos had the same problem. I just ordered new earsocks and nose bombs. It only cost me $9, I figured that wasn't so bad. They feel brand new and I couldn't be happier.
Watch though, not all Rx frames take the unob from the standard replacement kit. In fact, most don't. They have thinner or shorter socks. You're better off calling O and asking for the parts for your exact frame.
yeah it sucks when it happens, goes all gooey and leaves residue on your fingers its only happened to one of mine, my first ever pair but they had thousands of hours worth of use so unobtanium has a good long life.
For me the moment I see them turn goey, I throw them out as fast as I could
The reason for this is that they tend to leave marks on my Juliet frames if left too long. Anyone had this problem? I tend to see this more on the Plasma frame for some reason