So, recasts suck. Not just because they rip collectors off, but it also leads to misinformation. Case in point:
So I was curious as to what the seller would say and asked the following:
Were these made by Oakley itself, or were they the recasted replicas made by other collectors?
The seller responded with:
Hi there, great question. Not sure. I believe they are made of pewter. Not sure if they are recasts. I do believe they were Oakley released way back.
Now I don't know if the seller actually believes that or is outright lying (I'd like to think he was just misinformed when he first got them), but we all know that's grossly inaccurate. We know who made those things, and we know the truth about them. However, there will be some newbie down the line that take's eBay auction info as gospel and spread them to other newbies. What you get is something like in this thread:
...where C100 = Flores and they intended only 100 of the Blue Flores to be serialised (I, and others, have serials way above that). Thank goodness there are those that are around to point to the OR for correct info.