Nik Gutscher
May 11, 2005 11:29 AM
Hey Fellas,

I hate to start a new thread for this - but I think as we grow and continue to work together - we need a place to pool our knowledge of Customs knowledge, fees and the best way to get through them....

Moving forward - especially you guy's in other countries, post your experiences and knowledge here to help us US guys out when we are shipping abroad, or helping a fellow enthusiast out by shipping to them.....

As the site grows and the support for Int'l. brothers in "O" expands - this will be an easier way for everyone to search for it as a resource. If you have posted in another, unrelated thread - paste it here as well.

charles darragh
May 11, 2005 11:34 AM

We discussed this earlier...if you ship outside the USA, make sure to send to Global Express Mail with USPS otherwise you can't insure it or track it. It is much more expensive but worth it.

Anyone else have advice?
Twenty Fifty
May 12, 2005 2:14 AM
Here's some advice for Canadians: Don't ship via UPS if its a high value item! I just got a package today, and I was charged $38 + GST for a grand total of $50 for a $100 USD item. Goddamn.
Jason H
May 12, 2005 2:41 AM
Twenty Fifty
May 14, 2005 2:03 AM
Allow me to reiterate how s#!++y UPS is. Not only do they have a $38 brokerage fee on customs, you apparently cannot pick up your package on the same day of delivery from their local location. For instance, UPS attempted to deliver something to me today. I was at work, so I missed it. I called them, and they said it takes one business day to proces my request, so I can only pick it up on Monday at the earliest. On the other hand, FedEx also tried to deliver something to me today; I'm picking that up in half an hour.

Let this be conclusive proof that UPS sucks 3 foot donkey wang.
Eric Arsenault
May 14, 2005 3:38 AM
I agree with Oak on UPS; not flexible at all.

Canada Post and customs sucks too, but not all the time, its pretty much random at the border; I can order 250$ of dvds and not have to pay any taxes, but I import a 15$ plush and I get charged around 10$ !

But overall its not that bad.

To americans who shipped to canada, put GIFT on the package.

Thank you very much :)

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