May 4, 2005 5:06 AM
Hey fellows,

As my collection and insanity of the O is growing rapidly, I am now considering the build of a display case, something around the size of a single tower, it won't be the real deal, but I want to make it real nice. I don't know much about building this kina stuff, so I'd appreciate help/tips/advice about it, and pictures also would be appreciated. I think it'd be a good idea/opportunity for all of us here to put our work on stuff like that in one thread to show everyone "where we're at" in our collection arrangements at home...the floor is open !
Envoye Nounoune
maxime petit
May 4, 2005 5:30 AM
hey fréchette, I've built one myself, and the one tip I can give you about making one of them is to plan absolutely everything in advance. cause when you start building it, you can't fix your errors. make some plans on autocad or something, I'm sure it'll help you a lot.

Here's a pic of mine...
just to give you a sens of scale, It's 50 inches tall

paul mcj
May 4, 2005 7:30 AM
Admittantly, I know nothing about building a case (metal sharp, metal cut me finger).

My main piece of advice would be to build it with about 2-3X's the amount of capacity as you may originally think. You'll need it for future growth potential ... and just about 2 months on this site.
charles darragh
May 4, 2005 7:59 AM
if i were you i would just buy it unless you will enjoy doing it.

it is very hard to make, takes a lot of time, and costs much more money in materials. you can buy a 6 foot one for around 300-400 bucks if you wait around. just be patient man...it is hard but will be worth it:)
sees you
May 4, 2005 7:17 PM
Wow! That is beautiful! Looks like someone paid attention in sheetmetal class. Nice Job Envoye! You must really save up your posts for very selective threads. You've been a member for 9 months & this is the first I've seen from you.
charles darragh
May 4, 2005 7:23 PM
i've seen him a bunch of times...he is from canada and paid 900 canadian dollars for that case in materials(which is more expensive than it costs to buy the whole case with shipping).

however, with that said, it has incredible workmanship. he did a great job and i would trade one for his:)

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