charles darragh
Apr 11, 2005 5:58 AM
I am interested in two different Oakley Glass Display Cases:
1. The Single Wide that is 6 feet tall
2. The cube that is 28 inches tall

If anyone has them, please send me a personal message and I can either trade or pay you cash. Thanks.

- - (arizona8765 - 4/10/2005 9:58:28 PM)
EJ Man
Apr 11, 2005 6:09 AM
Dude, those things are impossible to find, hence when they are on ebay go for crazy money, if the auction hasnt been pulled, which it usually is.
the best way to get one would be to look around small oakley dealers, specially one thats closing down.
make them an offer, you got nothing to loose.

Alexis Watkins (LEX7 - 4/11/2005 3:09:10 AM)
Twenty Fifty
Apr 11, 2005 6:17 AM
That's exactly it. It never hurts to ask. Especially if you're gonna buy something or if they know you come to the store often, you're more likely to get it. Most of the time you'll get shot down, but every so often you'll get a bite.

Mike Bahr
Apr 11, 2005 6:40 AM
Agreed...the more you ask the better chance you have.

I've persisted and I'm very close to landing a double. Just waiting till my dealer can clear it with the rep, she saw one they though she didn't know about, hence the clearance. My dealer is possibly the largest in perth and has a really great relationship with oakley so my chances are good.

Keep at it Arizona

Mike Bahr (warwagon - 4/11/2005 10:40:44 AM)
charles darragh
Apr 11, 2005 6:47 AM
thanks a lot for your support mike! i have been asking a bunch of people...and i had a few people that had them but their prices are just way too much. i heard not to spend more than 400-500 tops for a single.

- - (arizona8765 - 4/10/2005 10:47:05 PM)
Mike Bahr
Apr 15, 2005 5:08 PM
Well i landed a single instead of a double, ended up costing me $400AUD. I was very happy with that. It just proves if you don't ask you don't know, there will be one out there for you arizona, you just have to find it. Patience will help to, don't be to pushy and most of all get to know your OPD's

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