. .
Aug 18, 2012 7:47 AM
Dose any one dream about theses as much as I do , and the medusa I saw it for the first time on mt hood while snowboarding at timberline many years agoand iv Ben hunting for one ever since , iv finaly come to the point in my life where I can finaly afford to buy buy all the Oakley products iv always dreamed about the mars the 24k XX and I know the longer I wait the more expencive it will get , but I know it will happen .....just thought I'd shair this thought
The Dispenser of Truth. Jason Wong
Aug 18, 2012 8:48 AM
It's always tough when you can't find your 'killer pair'

The first time I truly fell in love with Oakley was one day I saw a friend of mine walk in with a pair of eye jacket 1.0. I don't know what it was exactly about that pair of shades, but I couldn't stop staring at them! +red iridium with cobalt frames.

I was young and a pair of $100+ sunglasses might as well have costed $1.5 million. So I did what any self respecting kid would do, I bought knock offs, though I was convinced they were real and probably just stolen. After 2 weeks they broke, being dumb, young, and naive I sent them into Oakley being convinced they would just send me a new pair. The only thing I got back was my broken ass knock offs with a letter explaining to me that they were counterfeit. I was bummed beyond belief. Well it took me almost 2 years from that point to save enough to buy a pair of real Oakleys. I bought the eye jackets in gas and gold iridium because everywhere I looked didn't have the ones I really wanted... Way too popular. Any way they were fantastic, for the first time ever I realized why Oakleys cost so much. They were clearer than anything I have ever seen and I treated them with kid gloves, until they were stolen.

Any way coming around to my long winded point, About 2-3 years ago I was on Ebay and that original cobalt pair popped up completely categorized incorrectly under womens cloths or something like that and no one was really bidding on them. I ended up getting them pretty much like new for about $75 which ain't bad! They fit terribly and look completely stupid on my face, but nostalgia man! So just keep looking Paul, if you are persistent and patient you WILL find what you're looking for. And hell, you're a big boy now like the rest of us. If you really wanted to you could just flex those financial muscles and make it happen. ;)
. .
Aug 18, 2012 8:49 PM
See this is why I came to the o review y'all are great thank u for inspiration and trust me I troll eBay and have found pairs just like u did in fact I was trolling one day and found 3 pair of glasses in a single auction for $4.95 but one of the three looked familiar , could it be? I ran to the display and grabbed a pair of juliets when I got back to my iPad I blew up the pic comparing every squair mm of the photo , after about 30 sec I relized , holly crap here's a pair of juliests for $5 ...buy it now!!!!! buy it now!!!!!! after about a week which felt like a year I figured if they were fake oh well I was out five bucks , the day they got here I went to check the mail and a non padded envelope was in the box and out of one corner was a very familiar horn of a xmetal plasma I couldn't open the package fast enuff , bam there they were a pair of Juliet's now keep in mind the glasses needs new rubbers and lenses but phuc it , the nose bridge was tight , and now they are my rx oakleys I wear them every day ....
Jordan Heaney
Aug 19, 2012 4:21 AM
ya the leather mars was a pair that I needed to have, patience is a virtue and it will pay off in the end...well at least that's my point of view. I have to stare at my leather mars for at least 10 minutes a day :)
Twenty Fifty
Aug 19, 2012 5:07 AM
It's surprising how in-demand the Mars (and Romeo) have become over the years and how it's become a holy grail for some. They were all so plentiful back in the day, and OPDs had them sit in display cases for a long time with no sale. It's certainly one of those "You don't know what you got until it's gone" things.
Dann Thombs
Aug 19, 2012 8:47 PM
Would explain in part why they are so sought after too. No one picked them up when they could, so inventory stayed low. I can't imagine 0.3's flew off the shelf.
Aug 19, 2012 9:07 PM
leather mars were the kind of the zero 0.3 of the x-metal line. Romeos were a nice hidden gem until MI:2 released. Juliets would have been the same way if X-men didn't use them.

I remember not all Oakley dealers even had x-metals. I remember asking a local store that had a case if they would carry them. They said they probably wouldn't get them because they would just sit. Only the larger dealers had x-metals from what I remember. Slowly as the x-metal line grew in popularity, every sunglass hut and sports outlet started to carry at least one x-metal product. They were 250$, I think leather mars were 315$ retail, about 100$ -150$ more than the most expensive o-matter pair at that time. Then the next thing I remember is seeing all x-metals go up about 50$, then didn't they eventually reach 350$ for plain Juliet?

I think the only reason the prices are as high as they are is because of collectors. I have rarely seen anyone wear romeos are mars out in public. I don't think celebrities are creating any hype by wearing them either. I haven't seen many celebs wearing Oakleys anyway, especially x-metals. It is all of the new age collectors trying to track them down, just like that 900$ pair of zero 0.3P's that just sold. That is just crazy. I know there are a few hundred thousand romeos out there but I have only seen a few people wear them.
Twenty Fifty
Aug 19, 2012 9:19 PM
Yeah, can't see too many of the regular folk forking over double retail for essentially unusable (both aesthetically and functionally) sunglasses.
Aug 20, 2012 1:55 AM
what's the average price you guys have seen a Leather Mars go for in near mint condition? I see on ebay going near 700 and 800. That seems too steep. thanks
. .
Aug 20, 2012 3:26 AM
It is too steep I want to wear them not let them sit I wear my mars every chance I get ,especially at mardi graus and st party's day takes your costume to a whole new level

Iv even considered takeing a pair of craters and makeing my own custome leather mars in red or black leather I'm just worried about geting the patern right but in the end I'll do what I gota do ya know
Ben Jorgensen
Aug 20, 2012 6:34 PM
Paul, I've had dreams (nightmares really) about the leather mars I sold on eBay when I was a struggling college student. Now that I'm a non-struggling college student, I regret ever having sold them. They are the one pair that eludes me.
Dann Thombs
Aug 20, 2012 7:21 PM
I regret wearing mine all the time.
Adrian Jimenez
Aug 20, 2012 11:30 PM
i think one of the main reasons why they're so popular now is due to the change in the types of things Oakley now releases. in the glory years, they were just another pair of glasses that you'd look at and say "oh crazy Oakley, what will you think of next." then Oakley got, oh how to put it..."neutered?" which you never would have imagined happening back in the glory days.

so when the crazy glasses from back in the day stopped coming, and people started to realize we might not ever see crazy Oakley come back, then you just have a bunch of people fighting over the old stuff instead of people holding their money to see what crazy thing Oakley will come up with next.

it's to the point now where people would flip if we got some glasses in a true FMJ color (not the watered down fmj on the new twenty or pitbull), which used to be plentiful.

for a gem mint leather mars complete with box, paperwork, coin etc, i'd pay a lot. i rather have one brand new leather mars than ~5 brand new current oakley glasses. it's all about profit though, it'd be interesting to see if Oakley makes more profit now puting out more bland stuff than before when they put out eccentric colors and frames. wouldn't be surprised if they do.
Dann Thombs
Aug 20, 2012 11:39 PM
I think you hit that nail on the head.
Ben Jorgensen
Aug 20, 2012 11:57 PM
Oakley doesn't cater to us, they cater to the masses; they will continue to make what is profitable, not that I discount them or bash them for that at all. Your right about the glory days Adrian. I don't think we will ever see another Medusa or overthetop from Oakley, which is why they will cost you an arm, leg and second mortgage to obtain now-a-days. I think the discontinuation of the X-metal line as we know it is a pretty good indication of that.
Adrian Jimenez
Sep 6, 2012 10:00 PM
don't know where else to put this. but here's another pair of leather oakley glasses i dream about, i want these so bad to match with my square wire's, but i think it's a bit overpriced for not having an original box. especially since i don't think another auction is going to pop up anytime soon for a beat up pair with a nice box. if it had the original box, i'd be all over it.

ebay id: 320977486680

i wish i picked these up a long time ago, looking at people that list them in their collections here, and looking at what they put down as their purchase price for these leather SJ's mib, looks like they used to go pretty cheap.
Dann Thombs
Sep 6, 2012 10:30 PM
Retail was pushing 200, so they weren't really cheap to begin with. Definitely one to pick up if you can though.
. .
Sep 6, 2012 10:55 PM
id jump on them bro u know if u dont your gona kick your seld later i like the swade ones my self but good luck snaking a pair of those btw just had a thought a pair ofsweid ott would be kick a$$ i think ill do a custom to a pair of ott muahahahha
Adrian Jimenez
Sep 7, 2012 12:28 AM
it was one of the pairs on my original "want" list that got me into collecting. i hate situations like this. the glasses aren't in a complete package, they aren't cheap either, but they look and could be mint. you just never know if it's worth the chance to get something incomplete hoping to complete the package later. especially since the box is semi-unique. i could get lucky with the box down the line. then again, never know if i'll have the chance to get them complete MIB.

i never thought i'd have the chance to buy NOS 80's pairs either and that happened, haha. i just need to find another former distributor that has a bunch of these pairs in his cupboard, haha.

we'll see, i sent the seller a question, i'll see about the vibe i get from him.
Dann Thombs
Sep 7, 2012 12:05 AM
I had two for the longest time, and finally traded one for a Black/Black Moon to complete the set. Didn't seem like an even trade at the time, but looking back, I think it may be on par.
Adrian Jimenez
Sep 7, 2012 4:01 AM
yea, i'd say if the two pairs went up on ebay today for auction, they'd go for similar prices MIB.

i got a message back from the seller, says they're flawless and that he's only selling them for what he bought them at plus the price of the case. said no returns though, man, don't know how well this guy can grade the glasses since i don't see him having sold any other glasses. a microscratched lens and it's worth quite a bit less. guy might not even know what a microscratch is.

with everything i got tied up in getting the 80s stuff, i'm not nearly as jumpy to take a chance. dang, i was hoping nothing good would pop on ebay for a while, haha.

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