Ben Jorgensen
Jun 5, 2012 8:16 PM
Just out of curiosity, has anyone had any luck finding discontinued items at local Optometrist offices or the like? It seems like they would be less likely to send discontinued glasses back to Oakley. I have considered doing this but was just curious if anyone has had any luck with it.
Twenty Fifty
Jun 5, 2012 8:47 PM
In order of most effective for me:

1. CL or local classifieds
2. Current reps, former reps and O employees
3. Closed down OPDs, especially if I know the owner or if I know another OPD that could put me in touch
4. Friends that use buy/wear Oakley.

I don't see much stuff from OPDs that are still open, since most of them tend to discount the stuff right out the door. Still, there are treasures to be found out in the back rooms. All you need to do is ask.
Ben Jorgensen
Jun 5, 2012 9:05 PM
Oak, You are definitely right about Craigslist, two weeks ago I bought a single wide tower from a guy in Columbus GA for $125. I wish I had connections with reps and former reps, for that I would have to be in the biz, which I am not. And of course, I consider everyone here on the O-R to be my friend since we share a common interest. You are also correct about asking, I have obtained a few pieces by asking the right questions and creating friendships at local sunglasses shops. I would like to think that there are some OPD's or optometrist offices who have a bunch of discontinued X-metals sitting on a back shelf somewhere.
Twenty Fifty
Jun 6, 2012 1:51 AM
Yeah, I'm positive there are those that have some great discontinued stuff still in stock, but these things only be found through a) luck and timing or b) knowing the right people.

If you build yourself a solid relationship with a larger OPD account, they can take care of you. It'll prove invaluable as well when they introduce you to their reps or to other OPD owners. If you've got a good enough relationship, they'll give you a call when the rep's schedule to come by to show their samples, or they may invite you to the buyers showroom when they go (though this stuff is really boring). If corporate bigwigs are in town, they may call you up and you can come on down to meet them.

As for getting the older stuff, I find that OPDs in town know each other, so they can reach out to see if other accounts have anything (they can even get reps to check for you). In fact, some of my more difficult to obtain items were due to OPDs I know reaching out to someone he knew halfway across the country.

Like everything, it's all who you know.
JF .
Jun 6, 2012 4:26 AM
You guys are lucky... In my country, no much choice...
Jules Neefjes
Jun 6, 2012 1:14 PM
It is a lot about networking indeed. I have had some really good luck and have some great connections now. They also provide me with close-outs etc. this gave me the chance even to start a small business (web-shop). Which is great as I am about to lose my job...
Twenty Fifty
Jun 6, 2012 2:54 PM
Sorry to hear you're losing your job, but big congrats and best of luck on your new web store.
Ben Jorgensen
Jun 6, 2012 8:09 PM
Jules, sorry to hear about that, but it is good to go to working doing something that you love, hopefully it all works out for you.
Jun 6, 2012 8:24 PM
Jules, sorry to hear about your job as well. Good luck with your web-shop!
Kenny "HED" Wu
Jun 6, 2012 8:50 PM
all the best to you mr jules... remember there is nothing like being your own boss!
Jules Neefjes
Jun 6, 2012 10:30 PM
Thanks for the kind words guys :) Much appreciated.

I hope it will become a success indeed. It is quite some work to get publicity, but slowly people are starting to find me.

It really sucks, losing an income. But it is true that I will work with my passion now and am my own boss. Which is great, especially when it all works out in the end.

I have started to keep a blog on my website. So people can see they deal with someone with some knowledge and passion. Also I think it'll help me in google rankings.

Opened a twitter and Facebook page not too long ago. And started with my first video-review about two weeks ago. Quite some work and thinking about ways to be found. But it's fun, I hope all is running smoothly by the time that my work stops, which will be in a few months...
Dann Thombs
Jun 6, 2012 10:32 PM
Keep posting the videos here, so they get front page attention.
Jules Neefjes
Jun 6, 2012 11:16 PM
Yeah, I sure will. Coming weekend I hope to be able to put up the second review.
JF .
Jun 11, 2012 8:43 AM
Jules, mind to find me a Oakley Magnesium M Frame Hybrid Black Iridium lens for me to be your customer?
Jules Neefjes
Jun 11, 2012 11:00 AM
That will be a tough one... But when I find some I'll get in touch with you for sure. I still remember last year there were lots of Mag M-Frame lenses on the bay.
Ben Jorgensen
Jun 11, 2012 6:21 PM
I used to have the Anna Guevara Mag M's, sold them though..I have so many Oakley regrets.
JF .
Jun 11, 2012 7:19 PM
Thanks, Jules.

Ben, same goes to me, sold many pairs of 'regret'....
Ben Jorgensen
Jun 24, 2012 5:40 AM
Went to a local eye doctor today, after doing a search for oakley dealers, it was 5 seconds from where I work. They had a Bob Shadowhead wearing a pair of OTTs FMJ+/fire. Going to have to work on getting them to sell both to me but it just proves that there is still some discontinued stuff out there

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