Ben Jorgensen
Jan 23, 2011 10:44 PM
So I bought a pair of Limited Edition Tron Gascans the day they came out. They are BadA$$; however I could really use the money for books this semester. I just need some honest opinions. From a practical stand point, these are a hell of alot better than the P.O.S's they force you to pay for and later recycle at the theaters. From a collectors stand point, IMO, considering they are already sold out, I'd say they are pretty collectible and they look damn good in my display case, although I wasn't too big a fan of the movie (CG Jeff Bridges AKA "The Dude" creeped me out). I do have a lot of other things I could sell for school money, however I am much more attached to pretty much everything else. Bottom line is, I have regreted selling everything I have ever sold, yet everyone says I should sell them. So...someone talk me out of it
Captain Plastic
Jan 23, 2011 10:52 PM
Well just reread your post, minus the last sentence or so and remember how much you LOVE them, and how RARE they are and how you'll REGRET it... DON'T DO IT!
18K & FMJ
Jan 24, 2011 12:23 AM
Ben, you still have two kidneys, right? So...

Dann Thombs
Jan 24, 2011 1:08 AM
You know the answer you'll get here. Keep them.
Tony Lam
Jan 24, 2011 10:08 AM
Keep Them!!!!!!
Ben Jorgensen
Jan 24, 2011 6:04 PM
So what you guys are saying is I should sell them, right? haha joking. Yeah I guess ill hold on to them. Thanks for the objective opinions, I know who to come to when I need someone to convince me that buying a new samsung 3d TV with my tax return is a great idea. In retrospect, I'm glad I was too poor to get the Tron Pit Boss, they havent even sold out yet.
Dann Thombs
Jan 24, 2011 7:02 PM
Still time then.
Matt B
Jan 24, 2011 8:13 PM
I'd hold on to anything with a special limited run print on the sides. They might be easy to find now, but 2 years from now, they'll be more than twice what you paid for them, and 5 years from now who knows. I'd consider selling a more generic colorway that just came out to market over the Tron gascan.
Ben Jorgensen
Jan 25, 2011 12:14 AM
@Dann: still time but still poor. @Matt: yeah man I learned that the hard way. This may be hard to believe for some, but at one point the leather mars was a dime a dozen. I got a pair for $90, admired them for a few years, then foolishly decided I needed the cash, and sold them for around $300. That, to this day is my biggest regret. I still have dreams about wearing them.
Rob Harris
Jan 31, 2011 8:48 AM
I thought it was a great movie. Don't forget you also need beer money. Sell them to me! :D

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