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Xtremehardy388 -
I have it in black and it's for the Judge II Dual time. Pretty hefty. Looks very nice and good for display purposes.
DoctorCrip -
Color: Black

Definitely a step down from the Time Bomb Vault, but compared to other watch cases it's still pretty cool. With the Icon and Oakley written on the top and the little pillow inside to wrap the watch around, this case is definitely Oakley and certainly worthy of holding a great watch such as the GMT.
ball5out -
the case is really meant for expensive watches. the small pillow where the watch is wrapped on is pretty neat. Gives protection for hard impacts incase u wanna travel with it. Case looks very neat with its whole Oakley logo on top
Pander -
Looks very nice,not very practical though. Seeing that I always take my watch off when I'm going to bed or take a shower or something', it's hard to put it back in the box the way it should.
bong -
funny how three of my four GMTs came with the regular black box, seems like all newer GMTs come with the black box so i was more than happy that my most recent GMT came with this original brown box. like o-xide says this is the only one that comes with a different colour which makes it unique.
o-xide -
This is the only one with a different color. Others all came in black. I girl loves this color so I give it a 5. Goes really well with the Copper Judge
oogie -

Vinyl? Are you sure I can't keep telling people it's leather? :)

Well, not as cool as the Time Bomb case, but still something flashy to show off. Not as chintzy as the D1 to Crush cases. So I guess that this case is "just right". Somewhere between the Time Bomb and Crush. Shocking ...
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