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JP -
Best Slippers I ever had. They've taken me around the world. I had 'em since '01 and they finally broke on me late '07. Now I can't find 'em anywhere in my size. Hope Oakley re-releases them. I was planning on framing 'em with a picture of my travels. They look like somethin' out of a battlefield...
RON2D2 -
Color: Grey

Well made sandal. Love the grey and yellow colorway. The front of the sandal narrows more than your typical sandal so that takes some getting used to. Sole is good and tough. Because of the light color of the sandal, dirt is easily visible but I'll take kingphilbert's advice to clean them up.
just got these at a discount on ebay. The look of complete black is sharp. They seem to be a little less comfortable than the Smoke sandal. Satisfied so far but I might update my review after I've punished these a little.
o-xide -
One of the most comfortable sandals just right next to the box crater
oogie -
I've had nothing but great things from my split craters. They were from 2003, though, so I'm not sure if the newer ones are different. Although I don't normally pick sandals with the "toe-thingy", these are a fantastic choice. Very good fit, comfy.
kingphilbert -
Color: black

I have been wearing the same pair since they were released (about 2 years or more) and they are still in great shape, minimal wear, and I wear them more than anything else I have. Great for walking and lounging. If you do need to clean them, hot water, mild soap or rubbing alcohol and a tooth brush.
Focal -
Color: Black
I have had these sandals for about a year now, and I love them. I wear them just about every day, weather permitting. they are incredibly comfortable, and very stylish. After a year of constant use, the top of the strap where the two halves are stitched together is starting to come unstitched on the one sandal, but it is very minimal. The only real complain I have about them is the fact that I have stinky feet, and the suede foot bed basically absorbs odor over time, and makes them pretty stinky. I am trying to find a way to clean the stink out, but oh well. Other than that, I love these sandals.
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