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warwagon -
A shoe that I have never had the chance to wear, but it holds a place in my heart for it as Oakleys first shoe.
I now own a pair in a small size and keep them on display with the remainder of my collection.
From what I've heard they are an awesome shoe and extremly comfortable, pick up a pair if you can find them.
Oakley Shoe Fan -
One of the most iconic Oakley product out there. I have the white colour version, BNIB as well. Comfortable? Yes. Grippy? For sure. Rare to find? Well i tend to say it is. Took me over 10 years to finally nail down a pair in 2013.

For any Oakley collector or even a shoe collector. Will i ever part with mine, NO WAY!! They rarely see daylight, only wear them on very special events.
John -
Greatest shoes ever made... I wish I still had mine. Bought them when they first came out and was blown away. Most comfortable shoes I've ever owned. I had the white low tops. I wore them until they were completely shot and my wife convinced me to toss them with the bulk trash cause we had too much stuff. I wish I'd have kept them simply because they were so iconic. I used to love to tell people they were made of Kevlar and motorcycle tire treads !! I wish Oakley would reissue....
ichibandidisan -
I gave a 5 for the Shoeone High, but only a 3 here for the Shoeone Low. Main reason is the fit, as I almost always feel the shoe is slipping out off the heels, and I already have the laces tied pretty tight. Secondly, I think the color combo isn't as good as with the High-cuts. the base-metal eyelets on the black, plus the whitish threads holding the fabric in place, just seems like an eyesore to me. The white, with black eyelets, looks much better, but there's nothing like the fuller stealth look on the Black High, Silver High or the Yellow High. Still, I consider myself blessed to have had the opportunity to try out these discontinued shoes. One more thing: the glue that holds the rubber sole to the shoe fabric tends to dislodge where the ball of the foot flexes during walking. But the shoe isn't falling apart or anything like that, nothing some Shoe Goo or the like wouldn't fix. If given a choice, I'd go with the High over the Low any day.
DoctorCrip -
Color: Black, White

What can I say? These are hands down the coolest shoes ever made and I couldn't be happier to own a pair. I would have paid just about anything for them, but I was lucky to have found a pair for a great price. I love wearing them and whenever I do I feel that my feet are well-protected behind the Kevlar shell that surrounds them. 5 skulls without a doubt!
o-xide -
I got the White which makes the shoe even more unique. Too bad the white one didn't come in Hight tops
american image -
still own a pair of these myself, very comfortable, and made in the USA !! that was a big thing at the beginning for Jim.
rolyatnerrad -
Color: The best shoe they made, got every color, wish i could find a pair to wear so i didnt have to preserve this feat of engineering...
Tick -
When Oakley released this shoe I wasn't even suprised. I just openly embraced them just as I have everything else. A co-worker once said to me, "I could put an O on a piece of sh*t and you'd buy it wouldn't you?" I said "would it be a metal Icon?"
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