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RubyMars -
Most comfortable sandals I've ever worn, The thong doesn't irritate and fits great. Plus I love the stretch logo detail, which is rare on a shoe.
bong -
i don't normally wear sandals, let alone thong (between the toes) sandals. i bought my Black Gasket Sandals thinking i'll just use it on the airline flight on vacation (hate wearing shoes on a trans-continental flight) and that's that. well... little did i know these are the most comfortable pair of Sandals i've had the pleasure of owning, and wore it on the majority of that trip. Gaskets are worth every penny.
sparra -
I cannot believe I have finally find a sandal that goes in between your toe that is this comfortable. It's brilliant, looks the business and good value too! Amazing and well worth buying.
dan-E -
A female friend of mine got a pair of the Pearl/Pink pair and she absolutely loves them. She wears them pretty much all the time and finds them comfortable enough for long walks.
Brown -
Very comfortable sandals. I got them for my birthday and I am pleased with ho wthey feel. Doesn't pull the foot hair. (haha i'm not a hobbit, but some thong sandals do that). Great sandals over all.
kingphilbert -
All I have to say is these babies went over 10 miles, almost all uphill, nearly nonstop, in early summer heat and made it all the way. Now imagine just lounging around the poolside/beachside or moping throught the mall with them on. They can take it all.
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