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Oakley Shoe Fan -
Colour well, mostly white, with grey sole. Got them Christmas 2013. Look nice, a bit plain howeber. But very comfy to walk around on. Looks ace in a pair of denim jeans, not quite right in shorts.
Color: White/Red
My first pair of white shoes EVER!!! And I would have never bought them if they had been anything else but Oakley.
Very comfy for all day use and they look good to boot!!
Oh and they're OAKLEY!!
cycling-pablo -
This is a cool pair of casuall kicks that have a slight retro look to them. Real basic and comfortable, what else do you need in a pair of tennis shoes?
brian -
Color: White/Gray
Good casual sneak. Not built for sports or heavy duty work. Great shoe to lounge with friends for a night on the town.
oogie -
Color: White / Blue
A great shoe that basically fits in with all the general sneakers out there, but with the satisfaction of knowing it's Oakley. Not the flashy goldenrods, reds and blues we see out of a lot of other Oakley shoes. Very comfortable, solid sneak.
warwagon -
Color: White / Blue
Great casual sneaker, very comfortable and long wearing. now onto my second pair, first ones for everyday, 2nd ones for dressy days. Perfect
rolyatnerrad -
Color: Brown
Again, another pair of sneakers that can pass as shoes, so while youre getting pissed in the pubs, and pissing all over your feet, at least youre doing it in style, go really well with dark blue denim
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