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Lobster -
I worked in the O store at 1 Icon when these (and the movie) came out. We had a visor in one of the small cube shaped display cases front and center in the store when you walked in. I believe the pair was suspended in the case by fishing line or something similar so it appeared to float. Everyone wanted to try them on but we weren't at liberty to let them. Also the pair we had really had no way of staying on your face, more just the shell with the lens. We had to clean the back of the case daily due to the number of people pressing their face against it to see through the damn things..
Dann -
These are not available to the public, nor have they ever been. Oakley designed a Custom pair of Juliet's with Ruby lenses for Cyclops for the X-Men movie, and a similar pair of the Penny type for X2. While they were at it, they created the visor he uses as well, and the Oakley 'O' can be seen on the side very briefly in shots. Andrew Tilin, a write for Wired magazine toured the Oakley headquarters and noted, "On a table in another room is a clay carving of a rounded piece of armor that appears to snap over one's ears, with a slit for the eyes..." This is without a doubt the same visor.
Oak -
I’ve been a fan of the X-men for two decades, and it was a pleasure learning in 1999 that Oakley was designing Cyclops’ visor. While the original concept looks a little bulky compared to the visor from the second X-men movie (too bad Oakley didn’t make the second one), the original version looked perfect at the time. I think designer Hans Moritz captured perfectly the spirit of the original look as it was intended (without the yellow, of course). Further, the little details put into it (such as the tapering from the eyeslits) made it even that much more special.

Many fan-made replicas and fakes have been produced throughout the years, but I have never seen anyone get it right. Even attempts at the original costume test version were made incorrectly, with the failure points generally being the nose point, eyeslit, and the ear covers.

As one of Oakley’s coolest movie props, it was one of the pinnacle achievements from an era where Oakley’s design could do no wrong. A truly Oakley classic.

Review dated: May 12, 2009
These are so sick. The frames, if that's what you want to call them, have that cool wrap around look, and it appears that they aren't gray, but like a Carbon color similar to many of the metals. The second I saw this movie, I looked all ofver the internet for these for like two weeks with no luck. I was very disappointed that these werent even limited edition. They look so sick!!
pitOm -
Weird pair though.. It's kind of too big for James Mardsen face, but it's still good-looking visor..

But I like the smaller one in X2 movie, because the model is better and fits Cyclops face perfectly just like Penny on James Mardsen is better looking than Juliet..
jumpman73 -

Its pretty cool that Oakley made it to the big screen for X-Men. I like the icon detail on the side. No other company would have been better for this movie.
yoko -
Cool to have, hard to get. Everyone wants it but nobody can get it... except JJ or maybe FP
splatter -

really cool of oakley to do this for a movie
brian -
This may be one of the coolest movie props of all time.
Cyke -
Frame: Cyclops
Lens: Ruby Quartz

Actually, that deep red lens is called Ruby Quartz. Due to consumer demand for a lens color at or near the Ruby Quartz coating, Oakley released Ruby Iridium, which was friendlier to the eyes than Ruby Quartz. James Marsden who plays Scott Summers (Cyclops) in the movie would get headaches from wearing the visors/sunglasses to long because of the lenses.
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